Paket Wisata Bromo Murah 2019 2020

Paket Wisata Bromo
Paket Wisata Bromo

Paket Wisata Bromo Murah
Kami & Travel memberikan dan menyedikan paket wisata ke Bromo murah, paket tour ke Bromo murah, paket liburan ke Bromo murah baik untuk tahun! dengan harga murah dan berkualitas.

Berikut daftar harga & waktu untuk Paket Tour ke Bromo!:
Paket Tour Liburan Wisata Murah Gunung Bromo Batu Malang. [ Lihat harga paket klik disini ]

Apa saja yang bisa dinikmati saat wisata ke Bromo? Berikut daftarnya:The location and layout of Tourism Object Mount Bromo – Mount Bromo famous for its beautiful sunrise or the rising of the sun, but there is another uniqueness of this mountain that is the sea of ​​sand shaped wide caldera that is above the Mount. In addition to seeing the beauty of the sunrise from the summit 1 Bromo and the crater of Mount Bromo that emit sulfur fumes famous white, the other attractions that draw and you can enjoy is Padang savannah Bromo, Mount Teletubies, the sea of ​​sand Bromo, Ceremony Kasada, Niagara Madakaripura and etc

Mount Bromo is located and situated in the four districts of East Java provincial government. Ie between Kaputen Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo and Lumajang Kapupaten.

Because it is located and are located in four districts so Bromo is very easy to access and very easy transportation to the Bromo from various parts of the city in East Java. The following paths and routes to get to Mount Bromo.

Path to the Bromo from Probolinggo District:

1. Tongas – Lumbang – Sukapura – Ngadisari- Cemoro Lawang – Mount Bromo

2. Ketapang – Patalan – Sukapura – Ngadisari- Cemoro Lawang – Mount Bromo

Path to the Bromo from the District. Malang:

1. Overlap – huts Klakah – Jemplang -Penanjakan – Mount Bromo

Path to the Bromo from the District. Pasuruan:

1. Wonorejo – Warungdowo – Tosari – Wonokitri – Pananjakan – Mount Bromo

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Path to the Bromo from Kab.Lumajang:

1. Senduro – Bumo – Ranu Pane – Mount Bromo

Thus a brief description of the location and layout of tourism which is very famous Mount Bromo, by geographical location in the four counties above it is very easy if you want a vacation or travel tour to Mount Bromo.

Paket Wisata Bromo

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