Paket Wisata China Murah 2019 2020

Paket Wisata China
Paket Wisata China

Paket Wisata China Murah
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Paket Wisata China Murah BEIJING MUSLIM 05D/03N

Apa saja yang bisa dinikmati saat wisata ke China? Berikut daftarnya:1. BAMBOO FOREST Shunan

Shunan Bamboo Forest
Shunan Bamboo Forest
This forest is located in the southwest mountains Liantian separating Changning with Jiangan region. The middle section is covered by a bamboo forest great high and upright (species Phyllostachys Pubescens). Shunan beauty so inspiring painters Qing Dynasty.


Stone Forest China
Stone Forest China
Shilin in Chinese is a forest of stone. This forest is very beautiful and makes people fascinated by the artistic side. The stone forest known since the Ming Dynasty and was called the First Wonder of the World.


Spruce forests Xueling
Spruce forests Xueling
This forest is located in the Tianshan mountains – had stood since 40 million years ago. He was like a living fossil in the mountainous region. At the tip of October, the cool wind from Siberia will memdatangkan snow. Snow white combined with trees spurce upright as if to form rows of soldiers who wear the crown.

4. Huangshan (Yellow Mountain)

Huangshan (Yellow Mountain)
Huangshan (Yellow Mountain)
Mountain, located in the southern region of Anhui is the most famous mountains in China states that its beauty is often immortalized in the form of paintings. In 1990, he was proclaimed as world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO heritage expert committees.

5. Changbai Mountain

Mount Changbai
Mount Changbai
The uniqueness of this mountain lies in the harmony between Korean pine trees, broad-leaved trees and other trees. Jingjiang along the valley on the west side of the mountain, there are different types of trees. Besides, Korean pine trees still exist Amur linden, oak Mongolian, Japanese elm, maple, and so on.

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Rain Forest Tropix Xishuangbannan
Rain Forest Tropix Xishuangbannan
This forest is located in Yunnan Province where the Lancang River flows from north to south. This is one place that many tourists because it has a nickname as the “animal kingdom”. The nickname was obtained because of forest conditions that allow life diverse wildlife.

7. GUA Zhijin

Zhijin cave
Zhijin cave
The river is located in Guizhou, between the river Luichong and Sancha. Both a source for the Wujiang river. Zhijin cave in which there is a long river which has been dry since a long time ago. Approximately 1.2 million years ago, this cave has collapsed due to erosion and soil drift and form a large space in it.

8. PEAK Tomur

Peak Tomur
Peak Tomur
Tomur Peak is the highest peak in the Tianshan mountain (7439 m above sea level). Located in the northwest region Wensu, its geographical position became an important meeting point of the bow of the link between the western world with China in the era of ancient past.


The city is being bandied about and praise the crowds and the world because it is the most beautiful city in China. Chinese proverb says ‘Guilin prettiest place and the paradise of the world’. By having a tower of limestone hills and river water flow Li clear, it is often the subject of paintings and poems of Chinese society.


This place praised as a miracle in China’s agricultural art! He is an ancient legacy inherited from the past 700 years. Panorama when flooded rice paddies or yellowish color when ripe rice makes it one of the most beautiful scenery in China.

Paket Wisata China

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