Paket Tour Kudus Murah 2019 2020

Mencari Paket Tour Kudus Murah? Kami ada Paket Tour Murah Kudus!

Mencari Paket Jalan-Jalan Kudus Murah? Kami ada Paket Jalan-Jalan Murah Kudus!

Paket Tour Kudus

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Kudus Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Kudus.

Hotel di Kudus Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Kudus menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Kudus di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Kudus?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Kudus. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Makam Sunan Muria
Makam Sunan Muria location of coordinate points -6.6660505,110.8988563

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Kami hanya memberikan informasi dan tidak termasuk dalam hal kontak jasa atau bisnis yang berada dalam info situs kami, kecuali itu merupakan jasa dan bisnis kami sendiri. Layanan utama website atau situs kami adalah informasi, content placement, review dan periklanan. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang content placement, review dan periklanan bisa hubungi kami di 085729826010. Informasi detail seputar detail jasa dan bisnis, Anda mencari lebih detail melalui situs pencari Google.

2. Air Tiga Rasa Rejenu
Air Tiga Rasa Rejenu location of coordinate points -6.6518481,110.9025511

3. Air Terjun Kedung Gender
Air Terjun Kedung Gender location of coordinate points -6.6744523,110.9094769

4. Air terjun Montel
Air terjun Montel location of coordinate points -6.6621809,110.9057134

5. Masjid Menara Kudus
Masjid Menara Kudus location of coordinate points -6.8041609,110.8327929

6. Museum Kretek
Museum Kretek location of coordinate points -6.826389,110.8377386

7. Air Terjun Watu Gompeng
Air Terjun Watu Gompeng location of coordinate points -6.6836011,110.9040621

8. Taman Lampion Kudus
Taman Lampion Kudus location of coordinate points -6.8145654,110.8504133

9. Wisata Alam Ternadi Kudus
Wisata Alam Ternadi Kudus location of coordinate points -6.6761066,110.8816744

10. Pemandian Alami Rahtawu
Pemandian Alami Rahtawu location of coordinate points -6.6434233,110.8704963

11. Pertapaan Abiyoso
Pertapaan Abiyoso location of coordinate points -6.6453492,110.868248

12. Desa Wisata Wonosoco Undaan, Kudus
Desa Wisata Wonosoco Undaan, Kudus location of coordinate points -6.973407,110.8105704

13. Sendang Dewot
Sendang Dewot location of coordinate points -6.9724286,110.8100446

14. Air Terjun Pengantin
Air Terjun Pengantin location of coordinate points -6.6974253,110.877278

15. Situs Pati Ayam
Situs Pati Ayam location of coordinate points -6.7937306,110.9385054

16. The PeakView Waterboom & Resto
The PeakView Waterboom & Resto location of coordinate points -6.7804788,110.8705114

17. Pertapaan Eyang Loko Joyo
Pertapaan Eyang Loko Joyo location of coordinate points -6.6549968,110.863357

18. Tugu Besito
Tugu Besito location of coordinate points -6.7536771,110.8422942

19. Hikmah Aquarium
Hikmah Aquarium location of coordinate points -6.8027716,110.8257929

20. Tugu Gondosari
Tugu Gondosari location of coordinate points -6.7350022,110.8433889

21. Waduk Lawang Songo
Waduk Lawang Songo location of coordinate points -6.9267534,110.7851759

22. Omah Cupang Syaiful
Omah Cupang Syaiful location of coordinate points -6.7952434,110.8498215

23. Rumah Khalwat & Balai Budaya Rejosari (RKBR)
Rumah Khalwat & Balai Budaya Rejosari (RKBR) location of coordinate points -6.7510238,110.9105451

24. Air Terjun Tiga Rasa
Air Terjun Tiga Rasa location of coordinate points -6.666667,110.9

25. Tugu Adipura Kencana
Tugu Adipura Kencana location of coordinate points -6.828365,110.831322

26. Gapura Selamat Datang
Gapura Selamat Datang location of coordinate points -6.786984,110.825927

27. Selamat Datang
Selamat Datang location of coordinate points -6.821809,110.876837

28. Gapura Selamat Datang
Gapura Selamat Datang location of coordinate points -6.77106,110.838431

29. Tugu Batas Desa
Tugu Batas Desa location of coordinate points -6.7909137,110.8504146

30. Gamefantasia
Gamefantasia location of coordinate points -6.8041416,110.8273442

31. Waterboom Mulia Klambu
Waterboom Mulia Klambu location of coordinate points -7.0086684,110.7936135

32. Makam Keramat Raden Ayu Dewi Nawangsih
Makam Keramat Raden Ayu Dewi Nawangsih location of coordinate points -6.7189302,110.9078565

33. Air Terjun Mpetung Semliro
Air Terjun Mpetung Semliro location of coordinate points -6.6423636,110.887522

34. tempat parkir air terjun Banyu Anjlok
tempat parkir air terjun Banyu Anjlok location of coordinate points -6.6412352,110.8355692

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Kudus? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Kudus dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Kudus untuk Anda!

1. @HOM Kudus
@HOM Kudus location of coordinate points -6.808251,110.847781

2. Griptha Hotel
Griptha Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8377382,110.8216154

3. Kenari Asri Hotel & Restaurant
Kenari Asri Hotel & Restaurant location of coordinate points -6.8103711,110.8423178

4. Hotel Abbas Kudus
Hotel Abbas Kudus location of coordinate points -6.7964419,110.8334122

5. Salam Asri Hotel
Salam Asri Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8040107,110.868702

6. Kings Hotel
Kings Hotel location of coordinate points -6.836794,110.82161

7. Central Hotel
Central Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8113744,110.843206

8. Air Mancur Hotel
Air Mancur Hotel location of coordinate points -6.809148,110.8437544

9. Hotel Poroliman
Hotel Poroliman location of coordinate points -6.800948,110.8476174

10. Hotel Artha
Hotel Artha location of coordinate points -6.842493,110.819993

11. Amantis Hotel
Amantis Hotel location of coordinate points -6.9084747,110.6337205

12. Hotel Majesty
Hotel Majesty location of coordinate points -6.7898879,110.7901509

13. Prima Graha Hotel
Prima Graha Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8223922,110.8346268

14. Wisma Karima Hotel
Wisma Karima Hotel location of coordinate points -6.825775,110.833763

15. Hotel Grand Tanjung
Hotel Grand Tanjung location of coordinate points -6.8411336,110.8324117

16. Chotin Hotel
Chotin Hotel location of coordinate points -6.808288,110.795897

17. Hotel Kudus Indah
Hotel Kudus Indah location of coordinate points -6.8426632,110.8249665

18. Amandah Hotel
Amandah Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8115628,110.8428259

19. Hotel Jati Asri
Hotel Jati Asri location of coordinate points -6.842116,110.822913

20. Hotel Nuansa Asri
Hotel Nuansa Asri location of coordinate points -6.8165671,110.8382348

21. Wisma Salimna Hotel
Wisma Salimna Hotel location of coordinate points -6.8060023,110.8288235

22. Hotel Surya Kencana
Hotel Surya Kencana location of coordinate points -6.8324951,110.8145863

23. Hotel Mahkota
Hotel Mahkota location of coordinate points -6.8337671,110.8354365

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