Paket Tour Pacitan Murah 2019 2020

Mencari Paket Tour Pacitan Murah? Kami ada Paket Tour Murah Pacitan!

Mencari Paket Jalan-Jalan Pacitan Murah? Kami ada Paket Jalan-Jalan Murah Pacitan!

Paket Tour Pacitan

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Pacitan Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Pacitan.

Hotel di Pacitan Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Pacitan menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Pacitan di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Pacitan?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Pacitan. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Pantai Tawang
Pantai Tawang location of coordinate points -8.2600848,111.2882075

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2. Pantai Klayar
Pantai Klayar location of coordinate points -8.2239099,110.9474038

3. Pantai Banyu Tibo
Pantai Banyu Tibo location of coordinate points -8.2125283,110.9131625

4. Pantai Srau
Pantai Srau location of coordinate points -8.2508255,110.9935041

5. Goa Tabuhan
Goa Tabuhan location of coordinate points -8.1259486,110.9831478

6. Pantai Taman
Pantai Taman location of coordinate points -8.2578572,111.3047194

7. Pantai Karang Bolong
Pantai Karang Bolong location of coordinate points -8.2245417,110.9410374

8. Teleng Ria
Teleng Ria location of coordinate points -8.2213743,111.0801542

9. Pantai Soge
Pantai Soge location of coordinate points -8.2495941,111.2695259

10. Pantai Pidakan
Pantai Pidakan location of coordinate points -8.2532414,111.2440613

11. Pantai Teleng Ria Beach Resort
Pantai Teleng Ria Beach Resort location of coordinate points -8.2195506,111.0781771

12. Goa Luweng Jaran
Goa Luweng Jaran location of coordinate points -8.2177355,111.0060629

13. Mandi Angin Pacitan
Mandi Angin Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2196704,111.0652442

14. Kali Maron
Kali Maron location of coordinate points -8.2021526,110.9569355

15. Goa Gong
Goa Gong location of coordinate points -8.1650136,110.9797715

16. Sungai Maron Pacitan
Sungai Maron Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.20445,110.955298

17. Pantai Wawaran
Pantai Wawaran location of coordinate points -8.2706044,111.4040099

18. Pantai Ngalian
Pantai Ngalian location of coordinate points -8.2391153,110.9767386

19. Pantai Langitan
Pantai Langitan location of coordinate points -8.2339744,110.9653128

20. Sungai Baksooka Punung
Sungai Baksooka Punung location of coordinate points -8.1599853,111.0292187

21. Pantai Buyutan
Pantai Buyutan location of coordinate points -8.2185846,110.9199516

22. Sungai Maron
Sungai Maron location of coordinate points -8.2006944,110.9592763

23. Pemandian Banyu Anget Tirto Husodo
Pemandian Banyu Anget Tirto Husodo location of coordinate points -8.0909191,111.1305569

24. Alun-Alun Pacitan
Alun-Alun Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1948489,111.10348

25. Wisata Pinus Gemaharjo
Wisata Pinus Gemaharjo location of coordinate points -8.0467166,111.3469402

26. Monumen Jendral Sudirman Pakis Baru
Monumen Jendral Sudirman Pakis Baru location of coordinate points -7.9390717,111.1814963

27. Hutan Pinus Lorok – Pacitan
Hutan Pinus Lorok – Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.237858,111.41989

28. Pantai Dangkal
Pantai Dangkal location of coordinate points -8.260541,111.2193545

CV. MINA ANUGRAH location of coordinate points -8.2654921,111.2002672

30. Pancer Door Surfing Spot
Pancer Door Surfing Spot location of coordinate points -8.2305099,111.1029124

31. Pantai Bakung Pacitan
Pantai Bakung Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2551093,111.1238501

32. Gunung Lanang 2 Pacitan
Gunung Lanang 2 Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2211499,111.1989295

33. Pusat Kuliner Malam Pacitan
Pusat Kuliner Malam Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1997876,111.1028711

34. Pantai Daki, Pacitan
Pantai Daki, Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2703231,111.3765334

35. Lapangan Tembak Pacitan
Lapangan Tembak Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2479398,111.0520718

36. Pantai Kunir
Pantai Kunir location of coordinate points -8.2626589,111.336788

37. Pantai Watu Bale
Pantai Watu Bale location of coordinate points -8.2536262,111.254501

38. Waduk Tukul
Waduk Tukul location of coordinate points -8.057601,111.1433166

39. Pantai Sangklean
Pantai Sangklean location of coordinate points -8.2785493,111.1534385

40. Pantai Ngenesan
Pantai Ngenesan location of coordinate points -8.2373013,111.2785407

41. Monumen Palagan Tumpak Rinjing
Monumen Palagan Tumpak Rinjing location of coordinate points -8.236542,111.0613509

42. Tugu Peringatan
Tugu Peringatan location of coordinate points -8.2143666,111.0781336

43. Pantai Nggelon
Pantai Nggelon location of coordinate points -8.2171089,111.1771918

44. Pantai Plumbungan
Pantai Plumbungan location of coordinate points -8.2413245,111.10123

45. Tugu Selamat Datang Kota Pacitan
Tugu Selamat Datang Kota Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1934376,111.075286

46. Kali Cokel Pacitan
Kali Cokel Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2380166,110.983932

47. Jurug Gringsing
Jurug Gringsing location of coordinate points -8.0200668,111.3253113

48. Barong Wetan Candi Pringkuku pacitan
Barong Wetan Candi Pringkuku pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2103495,111.0376938

49. GOA KALAK,pacitan
GOA KALAK,pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1876344,110.9544662

50. Tugu Peringatan
Tugu Peringatan location of coordinate points -8.1372228,111.0147377

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Pacitan? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Pacitan dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Pacitan untuk Anda!

1. Desa Limasan
Desa Limasan location of coordinate points -8.2374952,110.9743089

2. Hotel Permata Pacitan
Hotel Permata Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1974783,111.1045374

3. Prasasti Hotel Pacitan
Prasasti Hotel Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1921148,111.1026486

4. Srikandi Hotel & Restaurant
Srikandi Hotel & Restaurant location of coordinate points -8.1959211,111.0967608

5. Hotel Graha Prima
Hotel Graha Prima location of coordinate points -8.2180155,111.0737963

6. Parai Beach Resort – Telengria
Parai Beach Resort – Telengria location of coordinate points -8.2201141,111.079598

7. Pantai Teleng Ria Beach Resort
Pantai Teleng Ria Beach Resort location of coordinate points -8.2195506,111.0781771

8. Bali Asri Hotel
Bali Asri Hotel location of coordinate points -8.1964626,111.0954135

9. Hotel Rajawali, Pacitan
Hotel Rajawali, Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2177936,111.0790103

10. IstanaOmbak Eco Resort
IstanaOmbak Eco Resort location of coordinate points -8.2372163,110.9734811

11. Hotel Dynar
Hotel Dynar location of coordinate points -8.2225403,111.0993948

12. Hotel Wijaya
Hotel Wijaya location of coordinate points -8.1977682,111.1148902

13. Sidomulyo Hotel
Sidomulyo Hotel location of coordinate points -8.1980453,111.1157334

14. Hotel Surya Dharma
Hotel Surya Dharma location of coordinate points -8.217178,111.3208986

15. Araya Homestay Pacitan
Araya Homestay Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2190061,111.0810937

16. Guest House Kraton Mas
Guest House Kraton Mas location of coordinate points -8.2006789,111.09364

17. Permata II Hotel
Permata II Hotel location of coordinate points -8.198269,111.1046052

18. kos dan hotel cepu pacitan
kos dan hotel cepu pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1859001,111.103467

19. Purna Yudha Hotel
Purna Yudha Hotel location of coordinate points -7.9568357,111.1861342

20. hotel simple
hotel simple location of coordinate points -8.2204751,111.08089

21. Hotel Djumangat
Hotel Djumangat location of coordinate points -8.1813899,111.0689274

22. Melody Bungalows
Melody Bungalows location of coordinate points -8.2163601,111.0946817

23. Penginapan & Rumah Makan Lies
Penginapan & Rumah Makan Lies location of coordinate points -8.217982,111.079001

24. Parai Teleng Ria Pacitan
Parai Teleng Ria Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.2196744,111.0791038

25. Pangasan Beach
Pangasan Beach location of coordinate points -8.2781508,111.1513474

26. Purnama
Purnama location of coordinate points -8.2070502,111.0930446

27. Rifqi Guesthouse
Rifqi Guesthouse location of coordinate points -8.137741,111.0129346

28. Kost Harmoni Pacitan
Kost Harmoni Pacitan location of coordinate points -8.1941161,111.1068044

HOTEL ARJUNA RANDUALAS location of coordinate points -8.0508703,110.9522306

30. Penginapan Bambu Kuning
Penginapan Bambu Kuning location of coordinate points -8.1891722,111.0950153

31. Hotel Graha Prima
Hotel Graha Prima location of coordinate points -8.2231308,111.0726422

32. Bromo Hotel
Bromo Hotel location of coordinate points -8.2162893,111.0794501

33. Hotel Pak Muhajir
Hotel Pak Muhajir location of coordinate points -8.2080442,111.1014054

34. Pantai Kasap
Pantai Kasap location of coordinate points -8.2398917,110.9810429

35. Asri Hotel
Asri Hotel location of coordinate points -7.9930567,110.9348821

36. Hotel SANKITA
Hotel SANKITA location of coordinate points -7.904559,111.461269

37. Pantai Ngiroboyo
Pantai Ngiroboyo location of coordinate points -8.2295101,110.9602839

38. Pantai Kaliuluh
Pantai Kaliuluh location of coordinate points -8.2729311,111.178374

39. Clothing Home Store
Clothing Home Store location of coordinate points -8.216541,111.079995

40. Pantai Ngandul
Pantai Ngandul location of coordinate points -8.2195622,110.9250397

41. Pantai Waduk
Pantai Waduk location of coordinate points -8.235599,110.969346

42. Kos Bidadari
Kos Bidadari location of coordinate points -8.2019731,111.09882

HOME STAY JOKO location of coordinate points -8.2145336,111.0791156

44. Pantai Sruni
Pantai Sruni location of coordinate points -8.2427602,110.9883191

45. Pantai Siwil
Pantai Siwil location of coordinate points -8.2650296,111.2802668

46. Pantai Denombo
Pantai Denombo location of coordinate points -8.2413766,110.9858773

47. watukarung SackStone Guest House & Surf Accomodation
watukarung SackStone Guest House & Surf Accomodation location of coordinate points -8.2360808,110.9743777

48. Kost Bu Soirah
Kost Bu Soirah location of coordinate points -8.2052006,111.1040175

49. Manguntur Home Stay
Manguntur Home Stay location of coordinate points -8.2184323,111.0889981

50. Homestay RIZQI
Homestay RIZQI location of coordinate points -8.218373,110.9441925

51. Pantai Langitan
Pantai Langitan location of coordinate points -8.2341231,110.963333

52. Pancer Hadiwarno
Pancer Hadiwarno location of coordinate points -8.260404,111.3126327

53. Homestay Hansa
Homestay Hansa location of coordinate points -8.1982046,111.0897324

54. Amanah Homestay
Amanah Homestay location of coordinate points -8.2210948,110.944442

55. Hotel Candra Kirana
Hotel Candra Kirana location of coordinate points -8.0422768,110.9463546

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