Paket Tour Sumatera selatan Murah 2019 2020

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Paket Tour Sumatera selatan

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Sumatera selatan Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Sumatera selatan.

Hotel di Sumatera selatan Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Sumatera selatan menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Sumatera selatan di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Sumatera selatan?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Sumatera selatan. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Jeram Semabang / Pagaralam Rafting Wisata
Jeram Semabang / Pagaralam Rafting Wisata location of coordinate points -4.2204408,103.0740996

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2. Candi Bumi Ayu
Candi Bumi Ayu location of coordinate points -3.3484413,104.0915443

3. Wisata Air Terjun Curup Maung
Wisata Air Terjun Curup Maung location of coordinate points -3.9898475,103.3924755

4. Benteng Kuto Besak
Benteng Kuto Besak location of coordinate points -2.989927,104.7600396

5. Air Terjun Temam
Air Terjun Temam location of coordinate points -3.288546,102.9493104

6. Wisata Bukit Sulap
Wisata Bukit Sulap location of coordinate points -3.2858711,102.8569352

7. Masjid Chengho Palembang
Masjid Chengho Palembang location of coordinate points -3.0244508,104.7800714

8. Fantasy Island
Fantasy Island location of coordinate points -3.0770674,104.7272702

9. Danau Segayam
Danau Segayam location of coordinate points -3.2555068,104.545308

10. Palembang Bird Park
Palembang Bird Park location of coordinate points -3.036688,104.788575

11. Curup Tenang, Bedegung
Curup Tenang, Bedegung location of coordinate points -4.059219,103.7668626

12. Rumah Ong Boen Tjiet
Rumah Ong Boen Tjiet location of coordinate points -2.99534,104.755174

13. Puntikayu Taman Hiburan Palembang
Puntikayu Taman Hiburan Palembang location of coordinate points -2.9437262,104.7282731

14. Air Terjun Lawang Agung
Air Terjun Lawang Agung location of coordinate points -3.901544,103.149956

15. Air Terjun Tuju Kenangan
Air Terjun Tuju Kenangan location of coordinate points -4.0176891,103.1841862

16. Jembatan Ampera
Jembatan Ampera location of coordinate points -2.9917523,104.7634944

17. Patung Kuda Muara Dua Prabumulih 3
Patung Kuda Muara Dua Prabumulih 3 location of coordinate points -3.418214,104.256161

18. Taman Bank Sumsel Babel Kambang Iwak Besak
Taman Bank Sumsel Babel Kambang Iwak Besak location of coordinate points -2.9895771,104.7462747

19. Kawasan Wisata Gunung Dempo
Kawasan Wisata Gunung Dempo location of coordinate points -4.0427198,103.2156787

20. Lematang Indah Air Terjun
Lematang Indah Air Terjun location of coordinate points -4.0728588,103.3227226

21. Danau Cinta
Danau Cinta location of coordinate points -3.822065,103.7411688

22. Sumber Air Panas Tanjung Sakti
Sumber Air Panas Tanjung Sakti location of coordinate points -4.1669536,103.0677277

23. Danau Deduhuk
Danau Deduhuk location of coordinate points -4.2035136,103.4433905

24. Danau Wisata Teluk Gelam
Danau Wisata Teluk Gelam location of coordinate points -3.5649822,104.7928868

25. Tebat Gheban
Tebat Gheban location of coordinate points -4.0167195,103.2631363

26. Waterfront Sekayu
Waterfront Sekayu location of coordinate points -2.8758635,103.8316168

27. Wisata Alam Air Terjun Temam
Wisata Alam Air Terjun Temam location of coordinate points -3.2938195,102.9300633

28. Air Terjun Mangkok
Air Terjun Mangkok location of coordinate points -4.0133061,103.1890893

29. Danau Tanah Mas
Danau Tanah Mas location of coordinate points -2.9220758,104.6705139

30. Green Paradise
Green Paradise location of coordinate points -4.0685814,103.1920588

31. Bukit Siguntang
Bukit Siguntang location of coordinate points -2.997404,104.7256391

32. Tugu Parameswara
Tugu Parameswara location of coordinate points -3.0214285,104.7834738

33. Sesebik Hill
Sesebik Hill location of coordinate points -4.8355301,103.9859407

34. Kawah Tengkurep
Kawah Tengkurep location of coordinate points -2.9789911,104.7832407

35. Bukit Besak
Bukit Besak location of coordinate points -3.8385692,103.6602293

36. Wisata Danau Aur
Wisata Danau Aur location of coordinate points -3.0976938,102.9256846

37. Air Terjun Embun
Air Terjun Embun location of coordinate points -4.015577,103.1955678

38. Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II
Museum Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II location of coordinate points -2.990346,104.761135

39. Kolam Renang Pertamina Sungai Gerong
Kolam Renang Pertamina Sungai Gerong location of coordinate points -2.983546,104.8512813

40. Goa Putri Padang Bindu Baturaja
Goa Putri Padang Bindu Baturaja location of coordinate points -4.0686286,103.9250656

41. Wisata Kuliner Tepian Sungai Musi
Wisata Kuliner Tepian Sungai Musi location of coordinate points -2.9901845,104.763318

42. Obyek Wisata Tangga 2001
Obyek Wisata Tangga 2001 location of coordinate points -4.0377881,103.1902849

43. Kampung Wisata Prabumulih
Kampung Wisata Prabumulih location of coordinate points -3.4501232,104.2581723

44. Wisata Air Bebek Ayè
Wisata Air Bebek Ayè location of coordinate points -3.0480264,104.78962

45. Pelancu, Destinasi Wisata Alam
Pelancu, Destinasi Wisata Alam location of coordinate points -3.8130267,103.6854812

46. Danau Aur
Danau Aur location of coordinate points -3.0796949,102.945194

47. Curup Buluh Lahat Sumatera Selatan
Curup Buluh Lahat Sumatera Selatan location of coordinate points -3.9428918,103.4564415

48. Tugu Rimau
Tugu Rimau location of coordinate points -4.0246912,103.154454

49. Kebun Binatang Ribang Kemambang
Kebun Binatang Ribang Kemambang location of coordinate points -3.7630719,103.5532571

50. Kampung Wisata Al Munawar
Kampung Wisata Al Munawar location of coordinate points -2.9876874,104.7732217

51. Wisata Danau Rakihan
Wisata Danau Rakihan location of coordinate points -4.4503308,103.565649

52. Air Terjun 7 Tingkat
Air Terjun 7 Tingkat location of coordinate points -3.9437792,103.3820437

53. Museum Negeri Balaputra Dewa
Museum Negeri Balaputra Dewa location of coordinate points -2.9508304,104.7304425

54. Air Terjun Panjang
Air Terjun Panjang location of coordinate points -3.8934913,103.5004364

55. Taman Rusa Pusri
Taman Rusa Pusri location of coordinate points -2.9693199,104.8010539

56. Tugu Perjuangan Tanjung Enim
Tugu Perjuangan Tanjung Enim location of coordinate points -3.7524069,103.7960836

57. Bendungan Perjaya
Bendungan Perjaya location of coordinate points -4.304994,104.3808241

58. Bukit Cogong
Bukit Cogong location of coordinate points -3.1512667,102.9071763

59. Danau Buatan Air Batu
Danau Buatan Air Batu location of coordinate points -2.9030701,104.6181109

60. Curup Lemutu
Curup Lemutu location of coordinate points -3.9742804,103.73939

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Sumatera selatan? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Sumatera selatan dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Sumatera selatan untuk Anda!

1. Barong Hotel
Barong Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9761273,104.7419304

2. Red Planet Hotel Palembang
Red Planet Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.9658804,104.7460989

3. Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang
Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.9509177,104.7838295

4. favehotel Palembang
favehotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.9560431,104.7460251

5. Classie Hotel
Classie Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9752899,104.764691

6. Hotel Anugerah
Hotel Anugerah location of coordinate points -2.974287,104.752635

7. Zuri Express Hotel Palembang
Zuri Express Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.969909,104.770016

8. Aston International
Aston International location of coordinate points -2.9548375,104.7472331

9. The Arista Hotel Palembang
The Arista Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.977817,104.746425

10. BATIQA Hotel Palembang
BATIQA Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.984494,104.744134

11. Hotel Belvena
Hotel Belvena location of coordinate points -2.9316391,104.7236186

12. Sandjaja Hotel
Sandjaja Hotel location of coordinate points -2.977837,104.752363

13. Amaris Hotel Palembang
Amaris Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.962767,104.7361199

14. Aryaduta Palembang
Aryaduta Palembang location of coordinate points -2.977477,104.741049

15. Hotel Horison Ultima Palembang
Hotel Horison Ultima Palembang location of coordinate points -2.979887,104.756628

16. Rio City Hotel
Rio City Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9803708,104.7650081

17. Feodora Airport Hotel
Feodora Airport Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9259634,104.7166071

18. S-ONE Hotel Palembang
S-ONE Hotel Palembang location of coordinate points -2.984177,104.7609289

19. Hotel Graha Bukit
Hotel Graha Bukit location of coordinate points -2.988334,104.751324

20. Opi Indah Hotel
Opi Indah Hotel location of coordinate points -3.0355657,104.7911935

21. Hotel Princess
Hotel Princess location of coordinate points -2.9836498,104.7519511

22. Hotel Sumatera
Hotel Sumatera location of coordinate points -2.973326,104.760143

23. THE 1O1 Palembang Rajawali
THE 1O1 Palembang Rajawali location of coordinate points -2.9720777,104.76441

24. Hotel Swarna Dwipa
Hotel Swarna Dwipa location of coordinate points -2.990672,104.7475659

25. Hotel Grand Zuri Lahat
Hotel Grand Zuri Lahat location of coordinate points -3.7765823,103.5697659

26. Hotel Wisata
Hotel Wisata location of coordinate points -2.9821757,104.7602472

27. Royal Asia Hotel
Royal Asia Hotel location of coordinate points -2.975909,104.7608934

28. Hotel Bukit Indah Lestari
Hotel Bukit Indah Lestari location of coordinate points -4.1402333,104.1831565

29. Emilia Hotel by Amazing
Emilia Hotel by Amazing location of coordinate points -2.9849398,104.7548215

30. Bukit Serelo Hotel
Bukit Serelo Hotel location of coordinate points -3.7929178,103.5359345

31. Msquare Hotel
Msquare Hotel location of coordinate points -2.982695,104.760307

32. Graha Sriwijaya Hotel
Graha Sriwijaya Hotel location of coordinate points -2.990014,104.7585138

33. South Sumatra Hotel
South Sumatra Hotel location of coordinate points -3.4100016,104.2613001

34. Grand Zuri Palembang By
Grand Zuri Palembang By location of coordinate points -2.9709573,104.7645903

35. Hotel Ranggonang
Hotel Ranggonang location of coordinate points -2.873878,103.8316048

36. Burza Hotel Lubuklinggau
Burza Hotel Lubuklinggau location of coordinate points -3.2776474,102.896356

37. Majestic Hotel
Majestic Hotel location of coordinate points -2.975903,104.7370246

38. Vista Hotel
Vista Hotel location of coordinate points -3.4142207,104.2596571

39. Dharma Karya Hotel
Dharma Karya Hotel location of coordinate points -4.0034445,103.2414163

40. Hotel Khalifah
Hotel Khalifah location of coordinate points -2.973437,104.74139

41. Grand Malaka Ethical Hotel
Grand Malaka Ethical Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9425042,104.7683853

42. Wisma Grand Kemala Hotel
Wisma Grand Kemala Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9604573,104.7715106

43. Hotel Lintas Sumatra
Hotel Lintas Sumatra location of coordinate points -3.2952072,102.8675816

44. The Daira Hotel
The Daira Hotel location of coordinate points -2.973427,104.751999

45. JAV Front One Hotel Lahat
JAV Front One Hotel Lahat location of coordinate points -3.7913047,103.53953

46. Excelton Hotel
Excelton Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9710032,104.7307758

47. Azza Hotel
Azza Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9775,104.7461749

48. Best Skip Hotel
Best Skip Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9599379,104.7566182

49. Imara Hotel
Imara Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9718807,104.7509354

50. Belvena Hotel
Belvena Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9440585,104.7666918

51. Hotel Duta Syariah
Hotel Duta Syariah location of coordinate points -2.9837731,104.7541862

52. Bless Hotel
Bless Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9423069,104.7621164

53. Novotel Palembang Hotel & Residence
Novotel Palembang Hotel & Residence location of coordinate points -2.949221,104.764336

54. Hotel IP
Hotel IP location of coordinate points -2.9835213,104.7563738

55. Quin Centro Hotel
Quin Centro Hotel location of coordinate points -2.9845877,104.7519675

56. Hotel Darma Agung
Hotel Darma Agung location of coordinate points -2.938649,104.721949

57. Permata Hotel
Permata Hotel location of coordinate points -3.786986,103.540131

58. Hotel Trakasa Tanjung Raja
Hotel Trakasa Tanjung Raja location of coordinate points -3.3356321,104.7752246

59. Home Inn
Home Inn location of coordinate points -2.96792,104.762253

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