Paket Tour Bantul Murah 2019 2020

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Paket Tour Bantul

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Bantul Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Bantul.

Hotel di Bantul Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Bantul menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Bantul di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Bantul?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Bantul. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Pemandian Air Panas Parang Wedang
Pemandian Air Panas Parang Wedang location of coordinate points -8.0212271,110.3288243

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2. Tempat Wisata Mangir
Tempat Wisata Mangir location of coordinate points -7.9001751,110.2752732

3. Pesona Pengklik – Pantai Samas
Pesona Pengklik – Pantai Samas location of coordinate points -8.0045535,110.2703756

4. Gua Cerme
Gua Cerme location of coordinate points -7.979439,110.380322

5. Puncak Pinus Becici
Puncak Pinus Becici location of coordinate points -7.901611,110.43752

6. Pantai Goa Cemara
Pantai Goa Cemara location of coordinate points -7.9994234,110.2489629

7. Bukit Panguk Kediwung
Bukit Panguk Kediwung location of coordinate points -7.9604139,110.4408256

8. Grojogan LEPO Dlingo
Grojogan LEPO Dlingo location of coordinate points -7.948312,110.4727184

9. Curug Pulosari
Curug Pulosari location of coordinate points -7.8609632,110.2870975

10. Goa Selarong
Goa Selarong location of coordinate points -7.8619643,110.314867

11. Pantai Depok
Pantai Depok location of coordinate points -8.014049,110.2923931

12. Air Terjun Randusari
Air Terjun Randusari location of coordinate points -7.9179023,110.4900478

13. Hutan Pinus Mangunan
Hutan Pinus Mangunan location of coordinate points -7.9267837,110.4319967

14. Jurang Tembelan
Jurang Tembelan location of coordinate points -7.9401626,110.4299163

15. Karst Tubing Sedayu
Karst Tubing Sedayu location of coordinate points -7.8137662,110.2753115

16. Pantai Pandansari
Pantai Pandansari location of coordinate points -8.0006897,110.2533361

17. Wisata Alam Seribu Batu Songgo Langit
Wisata Alam Seribu Batu Songgo Langit location of coordinate points -7.9312796,110.4299251

18. Bukit Mojo Gumelem
Bukit Mojo Gumelem location of coordinate points -7.9558851,110.4335145

19. Bukit Lintang Sewu
Bukit Lintang Sewu location of coordinate points -7.9148441,110.4356776

20. Pantai Parangkusumo
Pantai Parangkusumo location of coordinate points -8.022769,110.324995

21. Pantai Baru
Pantai Baru location of coordinate points -7.9891119,110.2215412

22. Pantai Cemara Sewu Bantul Yogyakarta
Pantai Cemara Sewu Bantul Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -8.0197501,110.3145334

23. Sendang Ngembel
Sendang Ngembel location of coordinate points -7.8860543,110.2922656

24. Hutan Pinus Asri
Hutan Pinus Asri location of coordinate points -7.9209209,110.4355651

25. Kedung Pengilon
Kedung Pengilon location of coordinate points -7.8553599,110.289145

26. Kedung Tolok
Kedung Tolok location of coordinate points -7.9632346,110.3838152

27. Balong Waterpark
Balong Waterpark location of coordinate points -7.8435549,110.4106561

28. puncak bucu
puncak bucu location of coordinate points -7.8618548,110.4430834

29. Desa Wisata Kasongan
Desa Wisata Kasongan location of coordinate points -7.846761,110.3440238

30. Kids Fun Parks
Kids Fun Parks location of coordinate points -7.8285424,110.4406095

31. Goa Payaman
Goa Payaman location of coordinate points -7.8346264,110.258599

32. Kawasan Wisata Watu Lumbung
Kawasan Wisata Watu Lumbung location of coordinate points -7.9929209,110.3187576

33. Goa Sunan Mas
Goa Sunan Mas location of coordinate points -7.9928505,110.326429

34. Curug Banyunibo
Curug Banyunibo location of coordinate points -7.9038667,110.4563016

35. Sentra Batik Tulis Yogyakarta
Sentra Batik Tulis Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -7.9186399,110.4049176

36. Goa Banyu Nibo
Goa Banyu Nibo location of coordinate points -7.9263347,110.445391

37. Pantai Kuwaru
Pantai Kuwaru location of coordinate points -7.9909241,110.2262918

38. Bukit Bego
Bukit Bego location of coordinate points -7.9256749,110.4031539

39. Njogja Tours & Transport
Njogja Tours & Transport location of coordinate points -7.819069,110.384547

PUNCAK GOA JEPANG location of coordinate points -8.001032,110.3290002

41. PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko (Persero) Unit Ratu Boko
PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko (Persero) Unit Ratu Boko location of coordinate points -7.7707422,110.4856423

42. Puncak Kayangan
Puncak Kayangan location of coordinate points -8.0024002,110.328668

43. Sri Panjung
Sri Panjung location of coordinate points -7.9427663,110.489099

44. Wisata Alam Watu Lawang
Wisata Alam Watu Lawang location of coordinate points -7.9378555,110.4181981

45. Desa Wisata Lopati
Desa Wisata Lopati location of coordinate points -7.9309307,110.2568181

46. Jendela Jogja (Pusat Oleh-Oleh)
Jendela Jogja (Pusat Oleh-Oleh) location of coordinate points -7.8056896,110.4025579

47. Gardu Pandang Goa Gajah
Gardu Pandang Goa Gajah location of coordinate points -7.9456084,110.4406992

48. Pantai Pelangi
Pantai Pelangi location of coordinate points -8.0179221,110.3085497

49. Wisata Alam Watu Amben
Wisata Alam Watu Amben location of coordinate points -7.8576729,110.4727388

50. Goa Gajah
Goa Gajah location of coordinate points -7.9437007,110.4400249

51. Pasty Pasar Satwa dan Tanaman Hias Yogyakarta
Pasty Pasar Satwa dan Tanaman Hias Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -7.825122,110.3549545

52. Bendung Tegal
Bendung Tegal location of coordinate points -7.933426,110.3659252

53. Pantai Pandansimo
Pantai Pandansimo location of coordinate points -7.988006,110.2178032

54. Gumuk Pasir
Gumuk Pasir location of coordinate points -8.00199,110.262809

55. Sendang Angin-angin
Sendang Angin-angin location of coordinate points -7.8373432,110.2807025

56. Pantai Parangtritis Bantul Yogyakarta
Pantai Parangtritis Bantul Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -8.0256726,110.3329458

57. Wisata Lembah Pinus Dahromo
Wisata Lembah Pinus Dahromo location of coordinate points -7.9109094,110.4382396

58. Pendopo Karosan Desa Wisata Krebet
Pendopo Karosan Desa Wisata Krebet location of coordinate points -7.8612415,110.2969791

59. Joglo Wisata Wayang Wukirsari
Joglo Wisata Wayang Wukirsari location of coordinate points -7.9054355,110.4088436

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Bantul? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Bantul dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Bantul untuk Anda!

1. Ndalem Bantul
Ndalem Bantul location of coordinate points -7.8423909,110.356256

2. Ros-In Hotel
Ros-In Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8356667,110.3681818

3. Adinda Hotel
Adinda Hotel location of coordinate points -8.0206188,110.3352644

4. Tembi Rumah Budaya
Tembi Rumah Budaya location of coordinate points -7.869886,110.3563545

5. Syariah Pondok Wisata Parangtritis
Syariah Pondok Wisata Parangtritis location of coordinate points -8.0232635,110.3332643

6. Tasik Jogja Hotel
Tasik Jogja Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8156307,110.3561287

7. Agung Garden Hotel
Agung Garden Hotel location of coordinate points -7.917049,110.351636

8. Pondok Gajah Homestay
Pondok Gajah Homestay location of coordinate points -7.8241532,110.333308

9. Wisma Mairatu
Wisma Mairatu location of coordinate points -7.8671454,110.340929

10. Hotel Gandung
Hotel Gandung location of coordinate points -8.0195379,110.3266785

11. Hotel Budi Inn 1
Hotel Budi Inn 1 location of coordinate points -8.0237494,110.3327135

12. Airy Alun Alun Kidul Bantul 60B Yogyakarta
Airy Alun Alun Kidul Bantul 60B Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -7.8179149,110.3556839

13. Hotel Adilla Syariah
Hotel Adilla Syariah location of coordinate points -7.7864134,110.39949

14. Desa Puri Hotel
Desa Puri Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8151351,110.4123891

15. Airy Bantul Wonocatur 12 Banguntapan Yogyakarta
Airy Bantul Wonocatur 12 Banguntapan Yogyakarta location of coordinate points -7.8024753,110.4032811

16. Suwuk Homestay
Suwuk Homestay location of coordinate points -7.866059,110.349255

17. Hotel Dermaga Keluarga Sonosewu
Hotel Dermaga Keluarga Sonosewu location of coordinate points -7.8086253,110.3392626

18. Tirta Kencana Hotel & Garden Resto
Tirta Kencana Hotel & Garden Resto location of coordinate points -7.8042554,110.4090009

19. Hutama Hotel
Hutama Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8120679,110.4017466

20. Rumah Biasa Guest House
Rumah Biasa Guest House location of coordinate points -7.830592,110.354306

21. Hotel Serena
Hotel Serena location of coordinate points -7.8337766,110.35937

22. Widodo Baru Hotel
Widodo Baru Hotel location of coordinate points -7.91288,110.3514915

23. Hotel Winotosastro Garden a & B
Hotel Winotosastro Garden a & B location of coordinate points -7.829366,110.366911

24. Nitipuran Permai Hotel
Nitipuran Permai Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8029521,110.342863

25. Hotel Rx King
Hotel Rx King location of coordinate points -7.8953528,110.3188226

26. Omah Kayu Homestay
Omah Kayu Homestay location of coordinate points -7.8341861,110.3688914

PONDOK VILLA HOTEL location of coordinate points -7.8053322,110.3408951

28. Hotel Yudhistira
Hotel Yudhistira location of coordinate points -7.797486,110.402352

29. Kinasih Hotel
Kinasih Hotel location of coordinate points -7.803925,110.343761

30. Blue Garden Jogja
Blue Garden Jogja location of coordinate points -7.8456829,110.3134444

31. Joglo Mandapa Boutique Hotel & Resto
Joglo Mandapa Boutique Hotel & Resto location of coordinate points -7.8320863,110.338586

32. Nibenia Homestay
Nibenia Homestay location of coordinate points -7.804491,110.343405

33. Hotel Kinasih
Hotel Kinasih location of coordinate points -7.80363,110.3434525

34. Desa Puri Hotel
Desa Puri Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8402433,110.4083341

35. Javaland Hotel
Javaland Hotel location of coordinate points -7.7860665,110.3994833

36. Budi Inn Hotel
Budi Inn Hotel location of coordinate points -8.0078966,110.3168964

37. Absari Syariah
Absari Syariah location of coordinate points -7.8156539,110.3280749

38. Amarta Hotel
Amarta Hotel location of coordinate points -7.7994795,110.3408918

39. Grand Dafam Rohan
Grand Dafam Rohan location of coordinate points -7.7982524,110.4051164

40. Hotel Family Syariah
Hotel Family Syariah location of coordinate points -8.0227425,110.3340224

41. Penginapan Prasetyo
Penginapan Prasetyo location of coordinate points -7.9082043,110.3527614

42. Hotel Satya Nugraha Syariah
Hotel Satya Nugraha Syariah location of coordinate points -7.7898146,110.3982354

43. Hotel Gemah Ripah
Hotel Gemah Ripah location of coordinate points -7.8108246,110.4025127

44. Sabar Menanti Penginapan
Sabar Menanti Penginapan location of coordinate points -7.8859299,110.3304883

45. Joglo Aruna
Joglo Aruna location of coordinate points -7.8175684,110.347396

46. Wigi Pusat Reservasi Hotel Jogja
Wigi Pusat Reservasi Hotel Jogja location of coordinate points -7.8847899,110.3622898

47. Mutiara Samudra Hotel
Mutiara Samudra Hotel location of coordinate points -8.0230867,110.3347512

48. Kos Bumus Bantul
Kos Bumus Bantul location of coordinate points -7.8897127,110.3362328

49. Hotel Family Syariah
Hotel Family Syariah location of coordinate points -7.831765,110.367284

50. Wisma Sargede Hotel Konvensi & Catering
Wisma Sargede Hotel Konvensi & Catering location of coordinate points -7.8859236,110.3347917

51. Pelem Sewu Cottage Syariah
Pelem Sewu Cottage Syariah location of coordinate points -7.8416165,110.361523

52. supplier amenities hotel
supplier amenities hotel location of coordinate points -7.826254,110.360356

53. Seroja Kostel Sonopakis
Seroja Kostel Sonopakis location of coordinate points -7.8057643,110.3352545

54. Hotel Ribka
Hotel Ribka location of coordinate points -7.8364575,110.3067876

55. Agung Rahayu 2 Hotel
Agung Rahayu 2 Hotel location of coordinate points -7.8129436,110.4022552

56. Home Stay Dan Hotel Ndalem Kasongan
Home Stay Dan Hotel Ndalem Kasongan location of coordinate points -7.8462894,110.3348256

57. Rumah Paris Bed & Breakfast
Rumah Paris Bed & Breakfast location of coordinate points -7.8704785,110.3554486

58. Family Rest Hotel
Family Rest Hotel location of coordinate points -8.0178408,110.3232479

59. Hotel Atas
Hotel Atas location of coordinate points -8.0125288,110.3375387

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