Paket Tour Majene Murah 2019 2020

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Mencari Paket Jalan-Jalan Majene Murah? Kami ada Paket Jalan-Jalan Murah Majene!

Paket Tour Majene

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Majene Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Majene.

Hotel di Majene Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Majene menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Majene di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Majene?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Majene. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Pantai Dato
Pantai Dato location of coordinate points -3.5595037,118.9843342

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Kami hanya memberikan informasi dan tidak termasuk dalam hal kontak jasa atau bisnis yang berada dalam info situs kami, kecuali itu merupakan jasa dan bisnis kami sendiri. Layanan utama website atau situs kami adalah informasi, content placement, review dan periklanan. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang content placement, review dan periklanan bisa hubungi kami di 085729826010. Informasi detail seputar detail jasa dan bisnis, Anda mencari lebih detail melalui situs pencari Google.

2. Pantai Baluno
Pantai Baluno location of coordinate points -3.3383938,118.8469886

PANTAI MUNU location of coordinate points -3.5581103,118.9827068

4. Pantai Barane Majene
Pantai Barane Majene location of coordinate points -3.546272,118.996506

WISATA KULINER TUING TUING SENDANA location of coordinate points -3.3868317,118.8516218

6. Tugu Pahlawan Mandar
Tugu Pahlawan Mandar location of coordinate points -3.5432529,118.9675985

7. Wisata Lambe Lambe Somba
Wisata Lambe Lambe Somba location of coordinate points -3.3953827,118.8607306

8. Sumur Tua / Passawwang Lawas Bukku
Sumur Tua / Passawwang Lawas Bukku location of coordinate points -3.5353314,118.9608407

9. Mangrove Learning Center, West Celebes
Mangrove Learning Center, West Celebes location of coordinate points -3.3384547,118.8445492

10. Dapur Mandar Pamboang
Dapur Mandar Pamboang location of coordinate points -3.4900534,118.8963386

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Majene? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Majene dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Majene untuk Anda!

1. Hotel Villa Bogor Leppe
Hotel Villa Bogor Leppe location of coordinate points -3.5485502,118.9776156

HOTEL DAFINA INN location of coordinate points -3.5384977,118.9886417

3. Hotel Abrar
Hotel Abrar location of coordinate points -3.5440315,118.9721785

4. Hotel Aulia
Hotel Aulia location of coordinate points -3.5439498,118.9646481

5. Tiga Bintang Hotel
Tiga Bintang Hotel location of coordinate points -3.030126,118.907375

6. Hotel Sulawesi
Hotel Sulawesi location of coordinate points -3.5423998,118.9852095

7. Penginapan Baluno Beach
Penginapan Baluno Beach location of coordinate points -3.2881262,118.8549843

8. Kost TFL TPST 3R Majene
Kost TFL TPST 3R Majene location of coordinate points -3.5443425,118.9832573

9. Ukhi kos lembang
Ukhi kos lembang location of coordinate points -3.0297251,118.9062794

10. Mesra Penginapan
Mesra Penginapan location of coordinate points -3.000642,118.910522

11. Hotel Pantai Barane
Hotel Pantai Barane location of coordinate points -3.5456328,118.9963497

12. Kost Putri Bu Denny
Kost Putri Bu Denny location of coordinate points -3.5390218,118.9847687

13. Pantai Loboqna Tubo Tengah
Pantai Loboqna Tubo Tengah location of coordinate points -3.0715309,118.7989255

14. Pantai Lamungang Batu Malunda
Pantai Lamungang Batu Malunda location of coordinate points -3.0239434,118.8602852

15. Pondok RESKIFIN
Pondok RESKIFIN location of coordinate points -3.5472033,118.9558796

16. Kost Putri RABBANI
Kost Putri RABBANI location of coordinate points -3.5393347,118.9911008

ROSDIANA RESORT location of coordinate points -3.542843,118.9982267

18. Wisma rahmat
Wisma rahmat location of coordinate points -3.5464212,118.945529

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