Paket Tour Hongkong Murah 2019 2020

Paket Tour Hongkong
Paket Tour Hongkong

Paket Tour Hongkong Murah
Kami memberikan dan menyedikan paket wisata ke Hongkong murah, paket tour ke Hongkong murah, paket liburan ke Hongkong murah baik untuk tahun! dengan harga murah dan berkualitas.

Berikut daftar harga & waktu untuk Paket Tour ke Hongkong!:
– Paket Tour Liburan Wisata Disneyland Hong Kong Murah

Apa saja yang bisa dinikmati saat wisata ke Hongkong? Berikut daftarnya:
1. The Peak
The Peak is known as one of the landmarks of the most striking in Hong Kong, The Peak is the best place to enjoy the night view with full color in the sky that surrounds the city, Victoria Bay famous skyscrapers towering and verdant hillsides and beautiful.

The highest mountain in the city is located in the western part of the island of Hong Kong and tourists can take the Peak Tram to go up to the mountain. Type’ve reached the top, visitors will see a seven-storey building in the form of the vessel – one of the landmarks of Hong Kong’s most striking, The Peak Tower. There are several attractions in the tower such as Madame Tussauds exhibit of more than 100 wax models of celebrities.

2. Victoria Bay
Victoria Bay is the largest port in China and one of the greatest assets of Hong Kong, Victoria Bay makes Hong Kong to be one of the busiest in the world. The port is a gem that brings people from all over the world come to see the beauty of Hong Kong.

This port is famous for its magnificent scenery. At night, lights twinkle that millions of more than 40 skyscrapers in Hong Kong on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula. Lights Hong Kong gained a place as one of the “three worlds best night scene”, along with Hakodate in Japan and Napoli in Italy. The ferry boat ride at night is a great way to experience the light show.

3. Hong Kong Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland is located on Lantau Island, overlooking the South China Sea, Hong Kong Disneyland is a recent Disneyland to Disneyland Shanghai is complete in the world and had to go to try to combine Chinese culture, customs.

A magical journey through four themed lands – Main Street USA, Fantasyland, Adventureland and Tomorrowland brings you the opportunity to create great memories. Mickey Mouse and other Disney friends familiar with the Disney classic view can help you to escape from the real world. Chinese and Asian dishes are provided in the park are also irresistible to visitors and Disney fans very much.

4. Hong Kong Avenue of Stars
Hong Kong Avenue of Stars is located in the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, Avenue of Stars official opening is done on 27 April 2004. It was built to recognize the contribution of the film industry in promoting Hong Kong as a tourist destination in the world, in honor of celebrities from the film industry Hong Kong and promoting tourism.

In addition to offering stunning views of the famous Victoria Bay, Avenue of Stars has a commemorative plaque, movie celebrity hand prints, a towering Hong Kong Film Awards sculpture and a bronze statue 2 meters high kung-fu action star Bruce Lee.

5. Po Lin Monastery
Tian Tan Big Buddha in the middle of spectacular mountain scenery in the Ngong Ping plateau on Lantau Island in Hong Kong, Po Lin Monastery is a major destination for tourists to experience the nature and culture of Hong Kong.

The monastery was originally a small temple built by three monks. Over the years, become one of the must-see destination for visitors who come to travel to Hong Kong. There, tourists can find various figures of gods and other colorful demonstration in aspects of Buddhism.

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Located on a mountain top Muyu, Tian Tan Big Buddha – the giant Buddha statue, unveiled in December 1993 amid deeply religious ceremonies. It is in the world’s largest outdoor Buddha.

6. Repulse Bay
Repulse bay is located in the southern part of Hong Kong Island, Repulse bay is an ideal area for eating activity, relaxation and water. Repulse Bay beach has become one of the most spectacular beaches Hong Kong because it is clean, and has a cozy atmosphere.

Crescent-shaped stretch of golden sand and gently with a soft blue water crashing onto the beach. Sparkling water and waves by the sun. Swimming has been clearly applies here. In addition to water activities, there is also a bay store designer houses, supermarkets, award winning restaurants and cafes and hotels.

7. Golden Bauhinia Square
Golden Bauhinia Square is an open area outside the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Wan Chai waterfront. This square is called the giant statue of “Forever Blooming Bauhinia” (Golden Bauhinia) in the central area, which was a gift from the Chinese central government and commemorate the occasion of the most significant in the history of Hong Kong, the return of the former British colony to the People’s Republic of China, and the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in 1997.

The Daily Flag Raising Ceremony taking place on the square every day except the 1st of each month 7: 50-8: 03, and a flag that Improve Ditingkatnya Ceremony on the 1st of every month 7: 45-08: 13. Note that the flag raising ceremony may be canceled due to bad weather conditions.

8. Ocean Park
Ocean Park is located on the southern tip of Hong Kong Island, Ocean Park Hong Kong is one of the most popular local attractions. Opened in 1977, one of the largest marine park in the world and features thrilling rides, exhibits and conservation facilities.

Three low-lying areas, Headland and Tai Shue Wan linked by car. Two lovely panda habitats in central England neighbors Panda Tai Shue Wan Entrance. Some of the rarest animals in Asia also live here including red pandas, Chinese giant salamanders and Chinese alligators.

Exhibition models of dinosaurs of life allows visitors learn how the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago. The park is also home to the fascinating Sea Jelly Spectacular, more than 1,000 sea jellies of all sizes from around the world. As a world-class marine-themed area, Aqua City park rewards you with a memorable underwater experiences.

A virtual journey through the marine park is more than enough to keep everyone interested in a full day.

9. Aberdeen harbor
Aberdeen Harbor is located in one of the southern tip of the island of Hong Kong. It provides shelter for fishing plume during a storm.

Hundreds of people living in Aberdeen Harbor, which is juxtaposed against a modern building spread to a nearby hillside and live the lifestyle of traditional fishermen. Hundreds of garbage and ancient boats floating in their homes.

In addition to getting a close-up look at the Aberdeen way of life, visitors can also enjoy delicious seafood. A three-tier magnificent restaurant and anchored floating here and decorated with traditional Chinese elements. Offering delicious fresh seafood and Cantonese dishes.

10. Lan Kwai Fong
Lan Kwai Fong is a place for dining and entertainment destination in Hong Kong. As night approached it into a buzzing center for the collection of clubs, bars, and restaurants. This L-shaped track is the perfect place for night owls.

Started when a German-Canadian businessman moved to Hong Kong who need a western-style restaurant. He opened the ‘California’ in 1983 in Lan Kwai Fong. One year later, he bought the entire block and start a new business after a successful restaurant. This location is developing into one of the most popular entertainment destination in Hong Kong for expatriates and tourists.

Have you a plan to go to Hong Kong? Do not miss one of the tourist attractions in Hong Kong Island are the best at the top if you want a vacation to Hong Kong or a honeymoon to Hong Kong. So and Congratulations traveled

Paket Tour Hongkong

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