Paket Tour Lampung timur Murah 2019 2020

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Paket Tour Lampung timur

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Lampung timur Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Lampung timur.

Hotel di Lampung timur Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Lampung timur menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Lampung timur di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Lampung timur?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Lampung timur. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Taman Nasional Way Kambas
Taman Nasional Way Kambas location of coordinate points -4.9275758,105.7769283

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2. Kerang Mas
Kerang Mas location of coordinate points -5.3706902,105.8187256

3. Wisata Hutan MANGROVE
Wisata Hutan MANGROVE location of coordinate points -5.2983745,105.8263478

4. Menara Siger
Menara Siger location of coordinate points -5.8653964,105.7500258

5. Danau Kemuning
Danau Kemuning location of coordinate points -5.255294,105.6647142

6. Danau Kamuning
Danau Kamuning location of coordinate points -5.3044942,105.7339725

7. Taman Kupu-Kupu Gita Persada
Taman Kupu-Kupu Gita Persada location of coordinate points -5.4208324,105.1885832

8. Taman Purbakala Pugung Raharjo
Taman Purbakala Pugung Raharjo location of coordinate points -5.300839,105.5712208

9. Taman Wisata Beringin Indah
Taman Wisata Beringin Indah location of coordinate points -5.0687035,105.5154436

10. Pantai Wartawan
Pantai Wartawan location of coordinate points -5.8362552,105.6288584

11. Suaka Rhino Sumatera (SRS)
Suaka Rhino Sumatera (SRS) location of coordinate points -5.0383049,105.7363932

12. Taman Wisata Lembah Hijau
Taman Wisata Lembah Hijau location of coordinate points -5.41564,105.2309545

13. Pantai Mutun
Pantai Mutun location of coordinate points -5.5044126,105.2370339

14. Lokasi Kampung Wisata Bali Tahap 1
Lokasi Kampung Wisata Bali Tahap 1 location of coordinate points -5.2961999,105.4478131

15. Waterboom Tirta Kencana
Waterboom Tirta Kencana location of coordinate points -5.3021012,105.7445046

16. Tugu Selamat Datang II Purbolinggo
Tugu Selamat Datang II Purbolinggo location of coordinate points -5.0121397,105.5164776

17. Sirkuit Grasstrack Wonosari Indah
Sirkuit Grasstrack Wonosari Indah location of coordinate points -5.1518898,105.4626252

18. Jembatan Relasi 57 A
Jembatan Relasi 57 A location of coordinate points -5.1347143,105.4307649

19. Kolam renang pitaloka
Kolam renang pitaloka location of coordinate points -5.0451215,105.3630458

20. Kali Titibatu Sawah Kampung Baru
Kali Titibatu Sawah Kampung Baru location of coordinate points -5.2874654,105.7375902

21. Pantai Baru
Pantai Baru location of coordinate points -5.4327585,105.8188463

22. Pantai Batu Lapis
Pantai Batu Lapis location of coordinate points -5.8441016,105.6799247

23. Tugu Gajah Tegal Yoso
Tugu Gajah Tegal Yoso location of coordinate points -4.9639279,105.5250633

24. Sanggar Reog Prastyo Jati Singo Budoyo
Sanggar Reog Prastyo Jati Singo Budoyo location of coordinate points -5.186931,105.5465432

25. Pantai Sari Ringgung
Pantai Sari Ringgung location of coordinate points -5.55755,105.252148

26. Tugu Tani Simpang Lima Purbolinggo
Tugu Tani Simpang Lima Purbolinggo location of coordinate points -4.9726404,105.4994408

27. Tugu Simpang Bumi Jawa
Tugu Simpang Bumi Jawa location of coordinate points -5.0449056,105.4317736

28. Pantai Duta Wisata
Pantai Duta Wisata location of coordinate points -5.4768533,105.2525653

29. Toko Abdul
Toko Abdul location of coordinate points -4.9695806,105.5026722

30. Tugu Monas Kecamatan Bandar Sribhawono
Tugu Monas Kecamatan Bandar Sribhawono location of coordinate points -5.3121271,105.7426639

31. Wisata Goa sumur
Wisata Goa sumur location of coordinate points -5.3844885,105.6642012

32. Taman Wisata Keluarga Danau Bambu
Taman Wisata Keluarga Danau Bambu location of coordinate points -5.5307097,105.7742211

33. Taman Wisata Alam Bumiharjo 2
Taman Wisata Alam Bumiharjo 2 location of coordinate points -5.1123521,105.3533613

34. Taman Wisata Way Curup
Taman Wisata Way Curup location of coordinate points -5.2808041,105.7416624

35. Wisata Alam Goa Pandan
Wisata Alam Goa Pandan location of coordinate points -5.3912722,105.6696719

36. Wisata WAY SANO
Wisata WAY SANO location of coordinate points -5.3581083,105.7449156

37. Wisata Padang Savana
Wisata Padang Savana location of coordinate points -5.1814736,105.791121

38. Taman Wisata Bumiharjo 1
Taman Wisata Bumiharjo 1 location of coordinate points -5.1189989,105.3469159

39. Polsek Metro Timur
Polsek Metro Timur location of coordinate points -5.056772,105.330681

40. Watu Tengah Kali
Watu Tengah Kali location of coordinate points -5.2249219,105.4813423

41. Wisata Alam Dam Way Raman
Wisata Alam Dam Way Raman location of coordinate points -5.0552659,105.316994

42. Lambai Pesona Akar
Lambai Pesona Akar location of coordinate points -4.9949807,105.493229

43. Cleosa Tour & Travel Purbolinggo
Cleosa Tour & Travel Purbolinggo location of coordinate points -4.9648417,105.5318678

44. Danau Patiali
Danau Patiali location of coordinate points -5.2128269,105.504413

45. Taman Pemancingan
Taman Pemancingan location of coordinate points -5.2135781,105.4938565

46. Bendungan Etan
Bendungan Etan location of coordinate points -4.9827416,105.4163829

47. Pantai Pancer
Pantai Pancer location of coordinate points -5.2545106,105.8635987

48. Bendungan Danau Way Jepara
Bendungan Danau Way Jepara location of coordinate points -5.202215,105.6699167

49. Gn. pengajar mbah mingan
Gn. pengajar mbah mingan location of coordinate points -5.3802189,105.662099

50. Goa Kubah
Goa Kubah location of coordinate points -5.3850616,105.6626425

MUARA ALAM location of coordinate points -5.5337338,105.7808237

52. Danau Jepara
Danau Jepara location of coordinate points -5.2011881,105.6648346

PT.PRIMACO INTRA NURMALA location of coordinate points -5.3054219,105.7095493

54. Pemancingan Mbah Mukti
Pemancingan Mbah Mukti location of coordinate points -5.2436471,105.7290054

55. Karya Makmur Beach
Karya Makmur Beach location of coordinate points -5.4304872,105.8215477

56. Gazebo Sepontan
Gazebo Sepontan location of coordinate points -5.1828659,105.7914995

57. Home industry Keripik Pisang Putri
Home industry Keripik Pisang Putri location of coordinate points -5.07778,105.5353672

58. Tugu Pertigaan Raman Endra
Tugu Pertigaan Raman Endra location of coordinate points -4.951267,105.4420442

59. Goa Kubah
Goa Kubah location of coordinate points -5.391389,105.6656513

60. Air Terjun Batu Putu
Air Terjun Batu Putu location of coordinate points -5.430818,105.2110061

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Lampung timur? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Lampung timur dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Lampung timur untuk Anda!

1. Hotel Yestoya
Hotel Yestoya location of coordinate points -5.1807603,105.7035549

2. Hotel Cempaka Indah
Hotel Cempaka Indah location of coordinate points -5.310949,105.7425727

3. AG Hotel dan Restoran
AG Hotel dan Restoran location of coordinate points -5.3122543,105.5630555

4. Dirgahayu Jaya
Dirgahayu Jaya location of coordinate points -5.28652,105.764494

5. Satwa Sumatra Elephant Ecolodge
Satwa Sumatra Elephant Ecolodge location of coordinate points -5.0987896,105.7101124

6. Hotel Windu Perkasa
Hotel Windu Perkasa location of coordinate points -5.5021528,105.7876583

7. Hotel Sariami
Hotel Sariami location of coordinate points -5.4557145,105.7954665

8. Hotel Tirta Kencana
Hotel Tirta Kencana location of coordinate points -5.3026527,105.7460197

9. AG Bersama. CV
AG Bersama. CV location of coordinate points -5.441343,105.311912

10. Wisma Mataram Baru
Wisma Mataram Baru location of coordinate points -5.2905388,105.7549484

11. Hotel Gracia
Hotel Gracia location of coordinate points -5.1251561,105.321954

HOTEL WINDU PERKASA location of coordinate points -5.5158571,105.7860044

BAGUS HOTEL location of coordinate points -5.1086613,105.6656591

14. Asrama Arrafat
Asrama Arrafat location of coordinate points -5.1261202,105.3275703

15. Hotel & Waterboom Berkah Kembar
Hotel & Waterboom Berkah Kembar location of coordinate points -5.5743,105.7876234

16. Hotel Dirgahayu Jaya
Hotel Dirgahayu Jaya location of coordinate points -5.2933196,105.7563686

17. Hotel Dirgahayu Jaya
Hotel Dirgahayu Jaya location of coordinate points -5.1350263,105.4715783

18. Hotel Citra II
Hotel Citra II location of coordinate points -5.1370907,105.3221786

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