Paket Tour Batang Murah 2019 2020

Mencari Paket Tour Batang Murah? Kami ada Paket Tour Murah Batang!

Mencari Paket Jalan-Jalan Batang Murah? Kami ada Paket Jalan-Jalan Murah Batang!

Paket Tour Batang

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Batang Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Batang.

Hotel di Batang Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Batang menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Batang di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Batang?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Batang. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Pantai Sigandu
Pantai Sigandu location of coordinate points -6.8809572,109.7519994

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2. Pantai Ujung Negoro
Pantai Ujung Negoro location of coordinate points -6.8912055,109.7973351

3. Pantai Celong
Pantai Celong location of coordinate points -6.9235535,109.9928366

4. Curug Genting
Curug Genting location of coordinate points -7.1050501,109.8205369

5. Curug Agung
Curug Agung location of coordinate points -7.0929469,109.9372277

6. Wisata Alam Curug Gombong
Wisata Alam Curug Gombong location of coordinate points -6.9971527,109.8693655

7. Curug Botoh
Curug Botoh location of coordinate points -7.0785031,109.941241

8. Pantai Jodo
Pantai Jodo location of coordinate points -6.9220661,109.998822

9. Curug Lojahan
Curug Lojahan location of coordinate points -7.1384265,109.8098503

10. Wisata Agro Selopajang Timur
Wisata Agro Selopajang Timur location of coordinate points -7.0686654,109.8540109

11. Wisata Tombo ,Rumah Pohon
Wisata Tombo ,Rumah Pohon location of coordinate points -7.0921834,109.7809622

12. Jembatan Buntu
Jembatan Buntu location of coordinate points -6.9472994,109.846328

13. #sikembangpark
#sikembangpark location of coordinate points -7.106738,109.8118778

14. Wisata Taman Bunga
Wisata Taman Bunga location of coordinate points -7.0865727,109.8390846

15. Curug Sibiting
Curug Sibiting location of coordinate points -7.1224541,109.8185782

16. Wisata Pagilaran.
Wisata Pagilaran. location of coordinate points -7.1110111,109.8553483

17. Curug Sirawe
Curug Sirawe location of coordinate points -7.1807139,109.8908916

18. Batang Dolphins Center
Batang Dolphins Center location of coordinate points -6.8824159,109.7548949

19. Kolam Renang Bandar Eco Park
Kolam Renang Bandar Eco Park location of coordinate points -7.0352733,109.8024521

20. Taman Bunga Krisan
Taman Bunga Krisan location of coordinate points -7.1071467,109.8554788

21. Omah Tani
Omah Tani location of coordinate points -7.0556333,109.8037939

22. Wisata Wonderful Kembanglangit
Wisata Wonderful Kembanglangit location of coordinate points -7.102293,109.8099603

23. Pelabuhan Batang Jawa Tengah
Pelabuhan Batang Jawa Tengah location of coordinate points -6.8800977,109.749676

24. Wisata Alam Lembah Mplalar
Wisata Alam Lembah Mplalar location of coordinate points -7.1038128,109.8642358

25. Curug Bleber
Curug Bleber location of coordinate points -6.9984173,109.9907147

26. Eko Wisata Kembang Langit Batang
Eko Wisata Kembang Langit Batang location of coordinate points -7.1304539,109.8008384

27. Kolam Renang Tirta Abirawa Bandar Batang
Kolam Renang Tirta Abirawa Bandar Batang location of coordinate points -7.0304953,109.804226

28. Dukuh Kebaturan, Desa Kembanglangit
Dukuh Kebaturan, Desa Kembanglangit location of coordinate points -7.0963812,109.8097169

29. Wisata Curug Bidadari Silurah
Wisata Curug Bidadari Silurah location of coordinate points -7.0911704,109.7651203

30. Kampung Kalisalak Park , Kolam Renang & Resto
Kampung Kalisalak Park , Kolam Renang & Resto location of coordinate points -6.919476,109.7198682

31. Kedung Asem Mentosari
Kedung Asem Mentosari location of coordinate points -6.9786815,110.0475721

32. Ekowisata Desa Ngadirejo
Ekowisata Desa Ngadirejo location of coordinate points -7.0994553,109.8718051

33. Tugu Adipura Batang
Tugu Adipura Batang location of coordinate points -6.9253458,109.7585254

34. Makam Syeikh Maulana Al Maghrobi
Makam Syeikh Maulana Al Maghrobi location of coordinate points -7.0867661,109.8416053

35. Gunung Prahu
Gunung Prahu location of coordinate points -7.1868901,109.9225514

36. Madu Apiari Pramuka Gringsing | Madu Pramuka
Madu Apiari Pramuka Gringsing | Madu Pramuka location of coordinate points -6.9725008,110.0285016

37. Kampung Tenun Cepagan
Kampung Tenun Cepagan location of coordinate points -6.9597119,109.6990586

38. Agro Salak Sodong Batang
Agro Salak Sodong Batang location of coordinate points -7.0620201,109.7667766

39. Tugu Batang
Tugu Batang location of coordinate points -6.9703205,110.0489526

40. bandar ciblon
bandar ciblon location of coordinate points -7.0380061,109.8017797

41. Rumah Pohon Villa Bukit Asri
Rumah Pohon Villa Bukit Asri location of coordinate points -6.9832856,109.7236579

42. Rest Area PO New Shantika
Rest Area PO New Shantika location of coordinate points -6.973231,110.0312123

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Batang? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Batang dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Batang untuk Anda!

1. Hotel Sendang Sari
Hotel Sendang Sari location of coordinate points -6.906012,109.724919

2. Hotel Sahid Mandarin Pekalongan
Hotel Sahid Mandarin Pekalongan location of coordinate points -6.905751,109.7005728

3. Hotel Dewi Ratih
Hotel Dewi Ratih location of coordinate points -6.9131776,109.7446851

4. Hotel Dafam Pekalongan
Hotel Dafam Pekalongan location of coordinate points -6.9015232,109.6642097

5. Hotel Yudhistira
Hotel Yudhistira location of coordinate points -6.904697,109.712405

6. Hotel Arjuna
Hotel Arjuna location of coordinate points -6.9676562,109.9418428

7. Hotel Arowana
Hotel Arowana location of coordinate points -6.9811993,109.9949848

8. Aiman Batang Ai Resort & Retreat
Aiman Batang Ai Resort & Retreat location of coordinate points 1.1583804,111.9240007

9. Hotel Dewi Ratih
Hotel Dewi Ratih location of coordinate points -6.8879374,109.7189876

10. Golf Club Batang
Golf Club Batang location of coordinate points -6.9257181,109.7569376

11. Wisma Kos putra – Putri ” Kasih Ibu 2 “
Wisma Kos putra – Putri ” Kasih Ibu 2 ” location of coordinate points -6.915599,109.723456

12. “Kasih Ibu 1”
“Kasih Ibu 1” location of coordinate points -6.915448,109.718577

13. Kostel (Kost Hotel) Srikandi
Kostel (Kost Hotel) Srikandi location of coordinate points -6.977724,109.998575

14. Hotel Rejo Agung Podo Moro
Hotel Rejo Agung Podo Moro location of coordinate points -6.9706648,109.9304226

15. Kos Kosan Kontrakan Pak Agus Batang
Kos Kosan Kontrakan Pak Agus Batang location of coordinate points -6.921274,109.730294

16. Hotel Horison
Hotel Horison location of coordinate points -6.8886811,109.6634527

17. YVC-I GB(Batang Chapter
YVC-I GB(Batang Chapter location of coordinate points -6.9084381,109.729776

18. hotel pepy kalilito
hotel pepy kalilito location of coordinate points -7.1193358,109.9497882

19. Pantai Depok
Pantai Depok location of coordinate points -6.885329,109.7640539

20. Nirwana Hotel
Nirwana Hotel location of coordinate points -6.891571,109.680324

Kost LATHIFAH location of coordinate points -6.9084857,109.7318557

22. Panorama Inn
Panorama Inn location of coordinate points -6.963384,109.9467087

23. Kos Bulanan Bu Sujana
Kos Bulanan Bu Sujana location of coordinate points -6.9102041,109.7915586

24. Jaya Dipa Hotel
Jaya Dipa Hotel location of coordinate points -6.903445,109.6959974

KOS-KOSAN BANDI location of coordinate points -6.9217729,109.7312851

26. Kos Cemara 1
Kos Cemara 1 location of coordinate points -6.916454,109.716994

27. villa alamanda
villa alamanda location of coordinate points -7.1068204,109.8552101

28. Barokah Kost
Barokah Kost location of coordinate points -7.0172465,109.9224374

29. Griyo Luluk
Griyo Luluk location of coordinate points -6.9604201,109.9113364

30. Tri Agustinah
Tri Agustinah location of coordinate points -6.9624246,109.7454324

31. Shining Hotel
Shining Hotel location of coordinate points 3.3779612,101.3979177

ONE HOME HOTEL (BATANG KALI) location of coordinate points 3.4608487,101.660274

33. Prapatan
Prapatan location of coordinate points -6.984452,109.9569004

34. Pesona Wisata Curug Gombong
Pesona Wisata Curug Gombong location of coordinate points -6.9960788,109.8703703

35. Ungkring Homestay
Ungkring Homestay location of coordinate points -6.9675784,109.7424611

PANTAI KARANG MAHESO location of coordinate points -6.8894088,109.7865208

37. Homestay Satria
Homestay Satria location of coordinate points -6.9776884,109.8922691

38. Pondok Mertua Indah
Pondok Mertua Indah location of coordinate points -6.9451937,109.9514243

39. H.Sujono
H.Sujono location of coordinate points -7.015102,109.9288452

40. Pantai Sigandu
Pantai Sigandu location of coordinate points -6.887507,109.771873

41. Mbahnya Arsya Adinuso
Mbahnya Arsya Adinuso location of coordinate points -7.0914183,109.881915

42. Wisata Pantai Plabuan
Wisata Pantai Plabuan location of coordinate points -6.9196125,109.9553337

43. Hotel Puspa Indah
Hotel Puspa Indah location of coordinate points -6.9034861,109.6995281

44. Hotel Pesonna Pekalongan
Hotel Pesonna Pekalongan location of coordinate points -6.8892004,109.6767122

45. Hotel Mutiara
Hotel Mutiara location of coordinate points -6.904112,109.697324

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