Paket Tour Kota tomohon Murah 2019 2020

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Paket Tour Kota tomohon

Anda Wajib Jalan-Jalan ke Kota tomohon Karena?

Banyak sekali tempat rekreasi yang indah dan bagus di Kota tomohon.

Hotel di Kota tomohon Murah?

Hampir semua hotel-hotel di Kota tomohon menurut kami murah gan. Agan bisa melihat sendiri harganya dengan klik daftar harga hotel Kota tomohon di situs kami ini.

Apa saja Tempat Wisata Rekreasi di Kota tomohon?

Banyak sekali beberapa tempat rekreasi wisata di Kota tomohon. Beberapa diantaranya ada dibawah ini:

1. Taman Wisata Puncak Rurukan Tomohon
Taman Wisata Puncak Rurukan Tomohon location of coordinate points 1.3418525,124.8811479

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2. Air Terjun “TUMIMPERAS” Pinaras
Air Terjun “TUMIMPERAS” Pinaras location of coordinate points 1.2952994,124.7808842

3. Vihara Buddhayana
Vihara Buddhayana location of coordinate points 1.3468717,124.8380667

4. Danau Linow
Danau Linow location of coordinate points 1.2677943,124.8267643

5. Kali Waterfall
Kali Waterfall location of coordinate points 1.3234131,124.8384504

6. Wisata Manado
Wisata Manado location of coordinate points 1.3496865,124.8358159

7. Menara Alfa Omega
Menara Alfa Omega location of coordinate points 1.3256092,124.8388605

8. Tugu Manguni Tomohon
Tugu Manguni Tomohon location of coordinate points 1.3767621,124.8320735

9. Tekaan Telu Waterfall
Tekaan Telu Waterfall location of coordinate points 1.3798832,124.836476

10. Bukit Doa Mahawu
Bukit Doa Mahawu location of coordinate points 1.348938,124.850092

11. Greenlake Bungalows Linow
Greenlake Bungalows Linow location of coordinate points 1.2667379,124.8299566

12. Eastindo Adventure Office
Eastindo Adventure Office location of coordinate points 1.2978187,124.8421644

13. Tugu Opo / Dotu Tololiu
Tugu Opo / Dotu Tololiu location of coordinate points 1.3196522,124.8382875

14. Base Camp Adventurindo
Base Camp Adventurindo location of coordinate points 1.356076,124.8424527

15. Air Terjun Kanderawatu
Air Terjun Kanderawatu location of coordinate points 1.3777163,124.8336047

16. Basecamp Eastindo Adventure
Basecamp Eastindo Adventure location of coordinate points 1.3540656,124.8468736

17. Bukit Doa Mahawu Caffee
Bukit Doa Mahawu Caffee location of coordinate points 1.351289,124.846661

18. Gunung Mahawu
Gunung Mahawu location of coordinate points 1.3533701,124.8623466

19. Sparta Stable
Sparta Stable location of coordinate points 1.3453555,124.8706935

20. Pemandian Air Panas SD GMIM Tondangow
Pemandian Air Panas SD GMIM Tondangow location of coordinate points 1.2571893,124.8294362

21. Danau Tampusu
Danau Tampusu location of coordinate points 1.2660574,124.8522261

22. Gapura Selamat Datang
Gapura Selamat Datang location of coordinate points 1.4042355,124.8321953

Masih bingung mau menginap dimana saat jalan-jalan ke Kota tomohon? Jangan lupa klik link daftar harga hotel Kota tomohon dihalaman ini!

Berikut Rekomendasi Hotel di Kota tomohon untuk Anda!

1. Jhoanie Hotel
Jhoanie Hotel location of coordinate points 1.3479161,124.8460703

2. Highland Resort & Nature Tours
Highland Resort & Nature Tours location of coordinate points 1.368735,124.833553

3. Mountain View Resort & Spa – where travelers meet travelers
Mountain View Resort & Spa – where travelers meet travelers location of coordinate points 1.369958,124.834407

4. Leos Hotel – Tomohon
Leos Hotel – Tomohon location of coordinate points 1.3277463,124.8442018

5. Lokon Boutique Resort
Lokon Boutique Resort location of coordinate points 1.3576785,124.8318394

6. Hotel Indraloka
Hotel Indraloka location of coordinate points 1.3654611,124.8321892

7. Happy Flower Resort
Happy Flower Resort location of coordinate points 1.349675,124.828199

8. Tomohon Homestay
Tomohon Homestay location of coordinate points 1.326824,124.829721

9. Happy Lyste Hotel
Happy Lyste Hotel location of coordinate points 1.3546964,124.8315128

10. Volcano Resort
Volcano Resort location of coordinate points 1.349114,124.8281678

11. Hotel Tambulinas
Hotel Tambulinas location of coordinate points 1.395455,124.8311968

12. Puri Mandey
Puri Mandey location of coordinate points 1.305423,124.833016

13. Vulcano Resort Hotel
Vulcano Resort Hotel location of coordinate points 1.3538546,124.8299668

14. Kinilow Indah Hotel
Kinilow Indah Hotel location of coordinate points 1.367925,124.832397

15. Wale Chika Homestay Tomohon
Wale Chika Homestay Tomohon location of coordinate points 1.3111422,124.8450901

16. Rumah Kos Rafa Satu
Rumah Kos Rafa Satu location of coordinate points 1.3262755,124.8398077

17. Ayoma Homestay
Ayoma Homestay location of coordinate points 1.3331027,124.8378675

18. Candra Perdana
Candra Perdana location of coordinate points 1.343857,124.841807

19. Alamanda Lokon Resort
Alamanda Lokon Resort location of coordinate points 1.3578435,124.8307381

20. Lanosa Guest House
Lanosa Guest House location of coordinate points 1.3048971,124.8325455

21. Wina Kost
Wina Kost location of coordinate points 1.3135085,124.8462222

22. Talaga Kaaten
Talaga Kaaten location of coordinate points 1.3121229,124.8453863

23. Kawanua Cottage
Kawanua Cottage location of coordinate points 1.3054739,124.8328627

24. Murex Dive Resort
Murex Dive Resort location of coordinate points 1.2708333,124.8263889

25. Penginapan Lokon Inn
Penginapan Lokon Inn location of coordinate points 1.343352,124.834036

MC TEMBOAN RURUKAN location of coordinate points 1.3433333,124.8877778

27. Samaria “Homestay”
Samaria “Homestay” location of coordinate points 1.3045039,124.8321937

28. Villa STP
Villa STP location of coordinate points 1.3065106,124.8304884

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