Best Education in Banda aceh

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Best Education in  Banda aceh

Why should Best Education in Banda aceh?

Because of the data we present in the article Best Education in Banda aceh this is 90% accurate from trusted sources like google and so forth. Can not wait? Location details Best Education in Banda aceh is below.

Location Address Details Best Education in Banda aceh:

YOUTH EDUCATION CENTRE having an address at I, No. 4,, Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim II, Merduati, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit YOUTH EDUCATION CENTRE at the address I, No. 4,, Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim II, Merduati, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates YOUTH EDUCATION CENTRE that is 5.5536178,95.3132806. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5536178,95.3132806 and you will easily reach the location YOUTH EDUCATION CENTRE who has an address at I, No. 4,, Jl. Prof. A. Majid Ibrahim II, Merduati, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia this.

2. Ocean Education Banda Aceh
Ocean Education Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Nuri, Sukadamai, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Ocean Education Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Nuri, Sukadamai, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Ocean Education Banda Aceh that is 5.5494304,95.330616. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5494304,95.330616 and you will easily reach the location Ocean Education Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Nuri, Sukadamai, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

UNSYIAH having an address at Jl. Teuku Chik Pante Kulu No.7, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23373, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit UNSYIAH at the address Jl. Teuku Chik Pante Kulu No.7, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23373, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates UNSYIAH that is 5.5709872,95.3698263. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5709872,95.3698263 and you will easily reach the location UNSYIAH who has an address at Jl. Teuku Chik Pante Kulu No.7, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23373, Indonesia this.

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4. Nae Yogu Indonesia Montessori School Banda Aceh
Nae Yogu Indonesia Montessori School Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Bawal No.12, Kelurahan Banda Baru, Kecamatan Kuta Alam, Bandar Baru, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23126, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Nae Yogu Indonesia Montessori School Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Bawal No.12, Kelurahan Banda Baru, Kecamatan Kuta Alam, Bandar Baru, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23126, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Nae Yogu Indonesia Montessori School Banda Aceh that is 5.566997,95.33484. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.566997,95.33484 and you will easily reach the location Nae Yogu Indonesia Montessori School Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Bawal No.12, Kelurahan Banda Baru, Kecamatan Kuta Alam, Bandar Baru, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23126, Indonesia this.

5. A Plus Creative Learning Center
A Plus Creative Learning Center having an address at Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit A Plus Creative Learning Center at the address Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates A Plus Creative Learning Center that is 5.5729512,95.3453951. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5729512,95.3453951 and you will easily reach the location A Plus Creative Learning Center who has an address at Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

6. State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry
State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry having an address at JL. Ibnu Sina, No. 2, Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry at the address JL. Ibnu Sina, No. 2, Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry that is 5.5788025,95.3676233. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5788025,95.3676233 and you will easily reach the location State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry who has an address at JL. Ibnu Sina, No. 2, Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

7. UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh
UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Pendidikan/Bahagia, Punge Blang Cut, Kecamatan Jaya Baru, 23234, Gampong Baro, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh at the address JL. Pendidikan/Bahagia, Punge Blang Cut, Kecamatan Jaya Baru, 23234, Gampong Baro, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh that is 5.5488527,95.3004553. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5488527,95.3004553 and you will easily reach the location UPBJJ-UT Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Pendidikan/Bahagia, Punge Blang Cut, Kecamatan Jaya Baru, 23234, Gampong Baro, Meuraxa, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

8. Univ. Terbuka Banda Aceh
Univ. Terbuka Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Pendidikan, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23234, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Univ. Terbuka Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Pendidikan, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23234, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Univ. Terbuka Banda Aceh that is 5.5501039,95.3051952. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5501039,95.3051952 and you will easily reach the location Univ. Terbuka Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Pendidikan, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23234, Indonesia this.

9. Poltekkes Banda Aceh
Poltekkes Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Tengku Syarief Thayeb, Lampriet, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Poltekkes Banda Aceh at the address JL. Tengku Syarief Thayeb, Lampriet, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Poltekkes Banda Aceh that is 5.575776,95.345462. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.575776,95.345462 and you will easily reach the location Poltekkes Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Tengku Syarief Thayeb, Lampriet, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

10. SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Prof. A. Madjid Ibrahim I, Punge Jurong, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Prof. A. Madjid Ibrahim I, Punge Jurong, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh that is 5.5522747,95.312871. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5522747,95.312871 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Prof. A. Madjid Ibrahim I, Punge Jurong, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia this.

11. SMAN 5 Banda Aceh
SMAN 5 Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Hamzah Fansuri, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24352, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMAN 5 Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Hamzah Fansuri, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24352, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMAN 5 Banda Aceh that is 5.575586,95.3672441. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.575586,95.3672441 and you will easily reach the location SMAN 5 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Hamzah Fansuri, Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24352, Indonesia this.

12. MAN Model B.Aceh
MAN Model B.Aceh having an address at Jl. Pocut Baren No.116, Keuramat, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23123, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit MAN Model B.Aceh at the address Jl. Pocut Baren No.116, Keuramat, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23123, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates MAN Model B.Aceh that is 5.5624759,95.329613. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5624759,95.329613 and you will easily reach the location MAN Model B.Aceh who has an address at Jl. Pocut Baren No.116, Keuramat, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23123, Indonesia this.

13. SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh having an address at Cot Mesjid, Lueng Bata, Cot Mesjid, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23246, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh at the address Cot Mesjid, Lueng Bata, Cot Mesjid, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23246, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh that is 5.5341563,95.339274. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5341563,95.339274 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 13 Banda Aceh who has an address at Cot Mesjid, Lueng Bata, Cot Mesjid, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23246, Indonesia this.

14. SMA Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh
SMA Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Professor A. Majid Ibrahim II, I, No.1, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23231, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Professor A. Majid Ibrahim II, I, No.1, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23231, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh that is 5.5513937,95.3125485. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5513937,95.3125485 and you will easily reach the location SMA Negeri 1 Kota Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Professor A. Majid Ibrahim II, I, No.1, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23231, Indonesia this.

15. SDN 20 Banda Aceh
SDN 20 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Poecut Baren No. 67, Kampung Keramat, Mulia, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SDN 20 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Poecut Baren No. 67, Kampung Keramat, Mulia, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SDN 20 Banda Aceh that is 5.5620988,95.323291. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5620988,95.323291 and you will easily reach the location SDN 20 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Poecut Baren No. 67, Kampung Keramat, Mulia, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

16. Sekolah Dasar Neger Nomor 5 Banda Aceh
Sekolah Dasar Neger Nomor 5 Banda Aceh having an address at Seutui, Baiturrahman, Seutui, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Sekolah Dasar Neger Nomor 5 Banda Aceh at the address Seutui, Baiturrahman, Seutui, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Sekolah Dasar Neger Nomor 5 Banda Aceh that is 5.5403837,95.3120908. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5403837,95.3120908 and you will easily reach the location Sekolah Dasar Neger Nomor 5 Banda Aceh who has an address at Seutui, Baiturrahman, Seutui, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia this.

17. Akademi Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Banda Aceh
Akademi Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Bereueh, No. 110, Banda Aceh, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Akademi Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Banda Aceh at the address JL. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Bereueh, No. 110, Banda Aceh, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Akademi Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Banda Aceh that is 5.566735,95.3391837. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.566735,95.3391837 and you will easily reach the location Akademi Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Tgk. H. Mohd. Daud Bereueh, No. 110, Banda Aceh, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

18. MIN Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh
MIN Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Meusara, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit MIN Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Meusara, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates MIN Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh that is 5.5463591,95.3025971. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5463591,95.3025971 and you will easily reach the location MIN Ulee Lheue Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Meusara, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

19. Akper Kesdam Im Banda Aceh AKIMBA
Akper Kesdam Im Banda Aceh AKIMBA having an address at Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Akper Kesdam Im Banda Aceh AKIMBA at the address Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Akper Kesdam Im Banda Aceh AKIMBA that is 5.5541251,95.3260913. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5541251,95.3260913 and you will easily reach the location Akper Kesdam Im Banda Aceh AKIMBA who has an address at Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

20. SMA Negeri 7 Banda Aceh
SMA Negeri 7 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Krueng Jambo Aye No.1, Geuceu Komp., Banda Raya, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23232, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Negeri 7 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Krueng Jambo Aye No.1, Geuceu Komp., Banda Raya, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23232, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Negeri 7 Banda Aceh that is 5.5347925,95.3086718. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5347925,95.3086718 and you will easily reach the location SMA Negeri 7 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Krueng Jambo Aye No.1, Geuceu Komp., Banda Raya, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23232, Indonesia this.

21. Bimbel Alpha Learning Center (ALC)
Bimbel Alpha Learning Center (ALC) having an address at Jl. Prada, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Bimbel Alpha Learning Center (ALC) at the address Jl. Prada, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Bimbel Alpha Learning Center (ALC) that is 5.5743547,95.3467818. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5743547,95.3467818 and you will easily reach the location Bimbel Alpha Learning Center (ALC) who has an address at Jl. Prada, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

22. MIN Banda Aceh
MIN Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Syiah Kuala No.9, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit MIN Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Syiah Kuala No.9, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates MIN Banda Aceh that is 5.5618646,95.3296948. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5618646,95.3296948 and you will easily reach the location MIN Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Syiah Kuala No.9, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

23. SMA N 4 Banda Aceh
SMA N 4 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. T. Panglima Nyak Makam No.19, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA N 4 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. T. Panglima Nyak Makam No.19, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA N 4 Banda Aceh that is 5.5661766,95.3435773. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5661766,95.3435773 and you will easily reach the location SMA N 4 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. T. Panglima Nyak Makam No.19, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

24. SMAN 8 Banda Aceh
SMAN 8 Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Tgk. Chik Dipineung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMAN 8 Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Tgk. Chik Dipineung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMAN 8 Banda Aceh that is 5.5663288,95.3443498. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5663288,95.3443498 and you will easily reach the location SMAN 8 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Tgk. Chik Dipineung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

25. Darul Ulum Banda Aceh
Darul Ulum Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Syiah Kuala No.5, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Darul Ulum Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Syiah Kuala No.5, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Darul Ulum Banda Aceh that is 5.5605696,95.3298162. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5605696,95.3298162 and you will easily reach the location Darul Ulum Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Syiah Kuala No.5, Lambaro Skep, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

26. SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Teuku Chik Dipieung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh at the address JL. Teuku Chik Dipieung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh that is 5.5658212,95.3444641. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5658212,95.3444641 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 18 Kota Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Teuku Chik Dipieung Raya, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

27. SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh having an address at Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23243, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh at the address Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23243, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh that is 5.5447399,95.3182964. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5447399,95.3182964 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh who has an address at Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23243, Indonesia this.

28. SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Teungku Lam Oe, Lampineung, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Teungku Lam Oe, Lampineung, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh that is 5.5675864,95.3439534. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5675864,95.3439534 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Teungku Lam Oe, Lampineung, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

29. SMA 6 Banda Aceh
SMA 6 Banda Aceh having an address at Lamjabat, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23234, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA 6 Banda Aceh at the address Lamjabat, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23234, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA 6 Banda Aceh that is 5.5440982,95.2946819. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5440982,95.2946819 and you will easily reach the location SMA 6 Banda Aceh who has an address at Lamjabat, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23234, Indonesia this.

UPTD PPMG WILAYAH I BANDA ACEH having an address at Lam Lagang, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23122, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit UPTD PPMG WILAYAH I BANDA ACEH at the address Lam Lagang, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23122, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates UPTD PPMG WILAYAH I BANDA ACEH that is 5.5342885,95.3176155. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5342885,95.3176155 and you will easily reach the location UPTD PPMG WILAYAH I BANDA ACEH who has an address at Lam Lagang, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23122, Indonesia this.

31. SMA Kartika 14 Banda Aceh
SMA Kartika 14 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Nyak Adam Kamil II No.4, Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Kartika 14 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Nyak Adam Kamil II No.4, Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Kartika 14 Banda Aceh that is 5.5446294,95.3198898. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5446294,95.3198898 and you will easily reach the location SMA Kartika 14 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Nyak Adam Kamil II No.4, Neusu Jaya, Baiturrahman, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

32. SMPN 7 Banda Aceh
SMPN 7 Banda Aceh having an address at Geuceu Kompleks, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23232, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMPN 7 Banda Aceh at the address Geuceu Kompleks, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23232, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMPN 7 Banda Aceh that is 5.5333574,95.3091032. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5333574,95.3091032 and you will easily reach the location SMPN 7 Banda Aceh who has an address at Geuceu Kompleks, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23232, Indonesia this.

33. SMP Negeri 5 Kota Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 5 Kota Banda Aceh having an address at Deah Baro, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23233, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 5 Kota Banda Aceh at the address Deah Baro, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23233, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 5 Kota Banda Aceh that is 5.5561,95.29279. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5561,95.29279 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 5 Kota Banda Aceh who has an address at Deah Baro, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23233, Indonesia this.

34. LBPP LIA CKS Banda Aceh
LBPP LIA CKS Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Tgk. Daud Beureuh No. 173, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23112, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit LBPP LIA CKS Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Tgk. Daud Beureuh No. 173, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23112, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates LBPP LIA CKS Banda Aceh that is 5.5575373,95.3259311. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5575373,95.3259311 and you will easily reach the location LBPP LIA CKS Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Tgk. Daud Beureuh No. 173, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23112, Indonesia this.

35. SD Negeri 56 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 56 Banda Aceh having an address at Lamglumpang, Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23117, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 56 Banda Aceh at the address Lamglumpang, Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23117, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 56 Banda Aceh that is 5.5520264,95.3519253. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5520264,95.3519253 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 56 Banda Aceh who has an address at Lamglumpang, Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23117, Indonesia this.

36. SMP Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh
SMP Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Prof. A.Majid Ibrahim, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Prof. A.Majid Ibrahim, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh that is 5.5551726,95.3137488. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5551726,95.3137488 and you will easily reach the location SMP Muhammadiyah Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Prof. A.Majid Ibrahim, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Merduati, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

37. SD Negeri 38 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 38 Banda Aceh having an address at Lampaseh Aceh, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23238, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 38 Banda Aceh at the address Lampaseh Aceh, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23238, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 38 Banda Aceh that is 5.5554342,95.3066335. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5554342,95.3066335 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 38 Banda Aceh who has an address at Lampaseh Aceh, Meuraxa, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23238, Indonesia this.

SMA N 9 BANDA ACEH having an address at Lhong Raya, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23231, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA N 9 BANDA ACEH at the address Lhong Raya, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23231, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA N 9 BANDA ACEH that is 5.5251423,95.3254606. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5251423,95.3254606 and you will easily reach the location SMA N 9 BANDA ACEH who has an address at Lhong Raya, Banda Raya, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23231, Indonesia this.

39. SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh
SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh having an address at Baru City, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh at the address Baru City, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh that is 5.5669287,95.341857. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5669287,95.341857 and you will easily reach the location SMA Negeri 12 Banda Aceh who has an address at Baru City, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

40. SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Punge Blang Cut, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Punge Blang Cut, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh that is 5.5441753,95.3076668. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5441753,95.3076668 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 18 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Punge Blang Cut, Punge Blang Cut, Jaya Baru, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23116, Indonesia this.

41. LKP Sonny Sugema College Banda Aceh
LKP Sonny Sugema College Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Tgk Daud Beureuh Depan SMAN No.3, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit LKP Sonny Sugema College Banda Aceh at the address JL. Tgk Daud Beureuh Depan SMAN No.3, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates LKP Sonny Sugema College Banda Aceh that is 5.557364,95.324335. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.557364,95.324335 and you will easily reach the location LKP Sonny Sugema College Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Tgk Daud Beureuh Depan SMAN No.3, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

42. Akademi Farmasi Banda Aceh
Akademi Farmasi Banda Aceh having an address at Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Akademi Farmasi Banda Aceh at the address Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Akademi Farmasi Banda Aceh that is 5.5605328,95.330294. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5605328,95.330294 and you will easily reach the location Akademi Farmasi Banda Aceh who has an address at Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

43. LKP Aceh Learning Centre
LKP Aceh Learning Centre having an address at JL. T. Panglima Polem, No. 68, Banda Aceh, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit LKP Aceh Learning Centre at the address JL. T. Panglima Polem, No. 68, Banda Aceh, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates LKP Aceh Learning Centre that is 5.557426,95.32169. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.557426,95.32169 and you will easily reach the location LKP Aceh Learning Centre who has an address at JL. T. Panglima Polem, No. 68, Banda Aceh, Laksana, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

44. SMAN 13 Kota Banda Aceh
SMAN 13 Kota Banda Aceh having an address at Gampong Jawa, Kuta Raja, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMAN 13 Kota Banda Aceh at the address Gampong Jawa, Kuta Raja, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMAN 13 Kota Banda Aceh that is 5.5727777,95.3200234. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5727777,95.3200234 and you will easily reach the location SMAN 13 Kota Banda Aceh who has an address at Gampong Jawa, Kuta Raja, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

45. SMPN 8 Banda Aceh
SMPN 8 Banda Aceh having an address at Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24352, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMPN 8 Banda Aceh at the address Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24352, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMPN 8 Banda Aceh that is 5.5756875,95.366031. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5756875,95.366031 and you will easily reach the location SMPN 8 Banda Aceh who has an address at Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 24352, Indonesia this.

46. SDN 16 Banda Aceh
SDN 16 Banda Aceh having an address at Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SDN 16 Banda Aceh at the address Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SDN 16 Banda Aceh that is 5.5728464,95.3627115. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5728464,95.3627115 and you will easily reach the location SDN 16 Banda Aceh who has an address at Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

47. SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh having an address at Peunayong, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh at the address Peunayong, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh that is 5.5621655,95.3201153. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5621655,95.3201153 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh who has an address at Peunayong, Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

48. SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh
SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh having an address at Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh at the address Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh that is 5.5443031,95.333692. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5443031,95.333692 and you will easily reach the location SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh who has an address at Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

49. Kampus STIES Banda Aceh
Kampus STIES Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Prada Utama No.103, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23115, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Kampus STIES Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Prada Utama No.103, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23115, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Kampus STIES Banda Aceh that is 5.5682602,95.3521831. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5682602,95.3521831 and you will easily reach the location Kampus STIES Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Prada Utama No.103, Peurada, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23115, Indonesia this.

50. SMP Negeri 15 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 15 Banda Aceh having an address at Lamjamee, Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 15 Banda Aceh at the address Lamjamee, Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 15 Banda Aceh that is 5.5388326,95.2873501. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5388326,95.2873501 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 15 Banda Aceh who has an address at Lamjamee, Jaya Baru, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

51. Klinik UKDI Banda Aceh
Klinik UKDI Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Bawal No.1, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Klinik UKDI Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Bawal No.1, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Klinik UKDI Banda Aceh that is 5.5678013,95.3359155. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5678013,95.3359155 and you will easily reach the location Klinik UKDI Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Bawal No.1, Bandar Baru, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

52. SD Negeri 4 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 4 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. CV Puda No.30, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 4 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. CV Puda No.30, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 4 Banda Aceh that is 5.5575315,95.3288231. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5575315,95.3288231 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 4 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. CV Puda No.30, Kuta Alam, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 24415, Indonesia this.

53. SD Negeri 3 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 3 Banda Aceh having an address at Lamseupeung, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 3 Banda Aceh at the address Lamseupeung, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 3 Banda Aceh that is 5.5485505,95.3336132. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5485505,95.3336132 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 3 Banda Aceh who has an address at Lamseupeung, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

54. SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh having an address at Jl. Kebun Raja, Pineung, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh at the address Jl. Kebun Raja, Pineung, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh that is 5.5643469,95.3530441. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5643469,95.3530441 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 55 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jl. Kebun Raja, Pineung, Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

55. Bimbel Teknos Genius Banda Aceh
Bimbel Teknos Genius Banda Aceh having an address at Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Bimbel Teknos Genius Banda Aceh at the address Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Bimbel Teknos Genius Banda Aceh that is 5.5451227,95.3303325. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5451227,95.3303325 and you will easily reach the location Bimbel Teknos Genius Banda Aceh who has an address at Blang Cut, Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

56. SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh
SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh having an address at Komplek Tzu Chi, Jl. Cinta Kasih Tim. XI, Panteriek, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh at the address Komplek Tzu Chi, Jl. Cinta Kasih Tim. XI, Panteriek, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh that is 5.5473088,95.337957. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5473088,95.337957 and you will easily reach the location SMP Negeri 14 Banda Aceh who has an address at Komplek Tzu Chi, Jl. Cinta Kasih Tim. XI, Panteriek, Lueng Bata, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh 23127, Indonesia this.

57. Amik Indonesia Banda Aceh
Amik Indonesia Banda Aceh having an address at JL. Teuku Nyak Arif, Simpang Krueng Raya, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit Amik Indonesia Banda Aceh at the address JL. Teuku Nyak Arif, Simpang Krueng Raya, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates Amik Indonesia Banda Aceh that is 5.577976,95.349226. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.577976,95.349226 and you will easily reach the location Amik Indonesia Banda Aceh who has an address at JL. Teuku Nyak Arif, Simpang Krueng Raya, Banda Aceh, Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh, Indonesia this.

58. SD Negeri 6 Banda Aceh
SD Negeri 6 Banda Aceh having an address at Jalan Tgk Muda, Keudah, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SD Negeri 6 Banda Aceh at the address Jalan Tgk Muda, Keudah, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SD Negeri 6 Banda Aceh that is 5.5624061,95.3141404. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5624061,95.3141404 and you will easily reach the location SD Negeri 6 Banda Aceh who has an address at Jalan Tgk Muda, Keudah, Kuta Raja, Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia this.

59. SMA Kartika XIV-1
SMA Kartika XIV-1 having an address at Jalan Tandi, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23234, Indonesia. If you have trouble to visit SMA Kartika XIV-1 at the address Jalan Tandi, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23234, Indonesia, You can use GPS to access the location coordinates SMA Kartika XIV-1 that is 5.5436147,95.3206611. You just open your phone and open googlemaps. Input coordinates 5.5436147,95.3206611 and you will easily reach the location SMA Kartika XIV-1 who has an address at Jalan Tandi, Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23234, Indonesia this.

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