Sekolah Tinggi Perbankan di Bandung Indonesia

Best High School of Banking in Indonesia in Bandung. College of Banking in Bandung The best quality is STIBANKS AL MASOEM. STIBANKS AL MASOEM located at Jl. Raya Cileunyi Rancaekek No. 22 Jatinangor – Sumedang Tel. (022) 7798204 – 7798340 to 08,112,139,222.

Sekolah Tinggi Perbankan di Bandung Indonesia

Sekolah Tinggi Perbankan Terbaik di Indonesia ada di Bandung

Stibank Al Masoem is a high school in Bandung banking with Sharia and is one of the best educational institutions and most in demand in Indonesia. With this sharia-based banking system, STIBANKS AL MASOEM be one of the high school of banking the most requested and sought by high school graduates to study and gain knowledge in Stibank Al Masoem.

Well, for those who want to study the science of banking it the perfect pick STIBANKS AL MASOEM!

Why Should Lecture and Selecting STIBANKS Al Masoem?

Because STIBANKS Al Masoem had and has many advantages as below:
1. Having a quality education system in the world of Islamic banking
2. alumni have many who work in the centers of Islamic banking
3. The cost of education on campus Stibank Al Masoem very affordable
4. Produce Islamic banking personnel character cageur character, bageur, and clever nuances of Islamic
5. To produce graduates who have the professional qualifications in Islamic banking
6. And Others

How was ready to sign up and become convinced registering High School of Banking Stibank Al Masoem? Still in doubt? Do not hesitate! Because Stibank Al Masoem have very complete facilities!

High School Facility Banking STIBANKS AL MASOEM among others:

1. The building consists of the Central Office, Student Pesantren Al Ma’soem (PSAM), AMIK and STIBANKS.
2. Supporting Academic consists of:
   a. Language laboratory
   b. The computer laboratory with internet facility and hot spot areas
   c. Reference Library
   d. Libraries Division (AMIK, STIBANKS, Pesantren)
   e. Multimedia room
   f. Meeting (Meeting Room)
3. Space Affairs consists of BEM room, Multipurpose Hall (BSG), Room Student Activity Unit (UKM)
4. Sports Turf consists of Dome (Futsal and Mini Soccer Field interlock floor to international standards) Field Volleyball, Football Field, Climbing Wall, Swimming Pool (separate male and female), Stone therapy
5. Relax play area and consists of a cozy garden, pool Fishing, Travel water, flyng fox and Games Zone for children
6. Supporting Others such as polyclinics, Cash Office Syariah BPR Al Ma’soem, BRI Bank Cash Office, Mini Market and Diner, cafe, catering, Confections, Vehicle Transfers, Bus Tours, Micro Bus, Ambulance, Bridge Crossing, Vehicle Parking Area motor, Vehicle Operations Primary and Secondary Education, and others.

How Full Is not it? Do Wrong Choose Place of study! Do Wrong Choose High School of Banking! Best High School of Banking in Indonesia is only in Bandung, STIBANKS AL MASOEM.

Hurry List Now!

Registration place:

College of Banking STIBANKS AL MASOEM
Contact address
Yayasan Pendidikan Al Masoem
Jl. Raya Cileunyi Rancaekek No. 22
Jatinangor – Sumedang
Tel. (022) 7798204 – 7798340 to 08112139222
email: [email protected]

Keyword: high school banking, banking Bandung high school, high school in Bandung banks, foundations al ma’soem, educational foundations al ma’soem, schools al ma’soem

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